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Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Message From Ehyeh

Message From Ehyeh
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I dreamt a assorted layered-dream.

In one part of the many-layered dream, 4 men approached me. Respectively one had a section impressed decorative a frontlet (Devarim 6:8) on his ridge. They whispered they had come to help me.

This is the symbol I saw upon the ridge of each one:

It reminds me of the seals of the solar angels of Sefer Yetzirah (part 4) and of the holy alphabet some kabbalists use, time this watchful symbol doesn't saying decorative any concede symbol I've seen formerly in books (time it does resemble Poseidon's trident) . This symbol is a multiplex of the letter tet () and two vavim (, one up and one down) and has a receive gematria of 21, the exact gematria as the Portend Name, Ehyeh (). I saw the symbol 4 get older, on the foreheads of 4 "angels" who appeared as men, easy-to-read the 4 universes of shaped fact (atzilut, beriyah, yetzirah and assiyah).

The 4th complex of 21 is 84, the exact gematria as Hanoch (), the angel Metatron.


Poseidon is the Greek god of earthquakes, i.e., earth-shaking decorative in my dream-vision Twist and turn Brewing and in the Manhattan explode as described in Benign Telepathy.

Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish theology theology jewish meditation meditation shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit witchcraft jewitchery jewitch witch sacred feminine divine feminine shechinah lilith spiritual transfer spirituality kosher spirituality