Witchcraft is a religion all unto its own. Witchcraft is an Earth based religion. It is a re-linking with the life force of nature, both on this planet and in the stars and space beyond. Witches are women and men who gather on the new and full moons and at festival times to join energy and bring themselves in tune with these natural forces. They honor the old
Goddesses and Gods, including the Triple Goddess of the Moon and the Horned God of the Sun and the spirits of the animals as visualizations of transcendent nature.
Books in PDF format to read:
Joanne Pearson - Wicca And The Christian Heritage Ritual Sex And Magic
William Lilly - Anima Astrologiae Or A Guide For Astrologers
Michael Ford - Luciferian Sorcery Luciferian And Sethanic Magick
Kenaz Filan - Pagans In Prison Our Brothers And Sisters Behind Bars