I was enraptured by you. I came forth and rose up, such as you know my name. "Tehilim 91:14"
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Hashem hu haElokim, Hashem hu haElokim. "1 Melachim 18:39"
This is the enraptured bellow of one who has naked the suggestion Spiritual light rumbling within. A swag of return.
The affair of G-D cannot be first-rate wherever honor is not municipal along with parents and children nor because the honest mitzvah of tribute one's parents (and teachers) is battered. Elishaba is one of my names and I do it. A Study In Extrapolative Sense of right and wrong.
As an fully developed, because I primary returned to Torah, I chose a hebrew name. As I have possession of complete in Torah, walked the derekh and my netiv path, I've continued to regain my hebrew names. Honest actualization of my outline in upshot, as described by my hebrew names, may it not very soon open up my soul to bonus confession, but bring honor to also my parents and to the teachers who have possession of brought me closer to Torah, and funding creative light, lifeforce and energy upon all who know them.
"This is my name, this is my reminiscence", this is my hallel, and this is my dictate, "classmates to classmates":
Liorah Chanah Elishaba Tsabrah bat Ahuvyah v'Adar.
LIORAH - My fixed idea english primary name is Lori. But, I didn't reasonable celebrity Liorah such as of its analogous to my english name. I chose it such as it way "light to me". In other words, the name Liorah brings down hashra'ah, the Spiritual immersive creative energy of the Shechinah and Betoken Omnipresence, aim each of the 3 levels of Betoken Lifeforce: ohr, chayut and koach to me. I chose to settle the meaning/mission in the name Liorah, which is the hebrew evenly balanced to the name my parents gave me, Lori.
CHANAH - My fixed idea english halfway name is Ann and way favor/grace. Pertain to is an act of receipt (ohr, chayut, koach) for the reishit (7th) outline of bestowing the self-same (ohr, chayut, koach) of that unleashed in Adar (the sardonic code of the soulspark of Moshe wearing a soulspark of Mashiach) aim my primary hebrew name Liorah. This confer on to dreadful for the sake of bighearted called reishit transforms the bucks of deprivation (matzah) wearing challah, the bucks of chelek la'olam haba, which satisfies Betoken Outcome for one's upshot in the primary place - to make a gob of the World-To-Come. Challah begins with the tone chet (with a chatoteret to participate One Christen to 4 names, with love redeemed), as does the hebrew evenly balanced to Ann, which is the name Chanah. As Liorah ends with the tone hey and Chanah begins with chet, Chanah equally ends with the tone hey. In this fact, along with the heys of these two names (Liorah and Chanah), stands the pure to the classified of the ritual of the parah adumah (from alef to tav), the secret of itta (from alef to tav and tav to alef), the mystery of Elisha's substitute gob (Elisha-ba) of Eliyahu's discerning spirit, the increase of mortal wearing a vessel fit for mashiach, and the redeeming power of Eh-yeh Asher Eh-yeh. Chanah is the mother of Shmuel HaNavi. Shmuel HaNavi is the acute restoration of the sefirah Netzach, a sefirah whose restoration is achieved indoors Purim (see underneath). Furthermore, the name Chanah refers to the 3 mitzvot particularly fixed idea to women (challah, niddah and hadlikat nerot). In light of all this, I chose to settle the meaning/mission in the name Chanah, which is the hebrew evenly balanced to my english halfway name.
ELISHABA (wherever I decide the enunciation Elishaba in the course of Elisheva) - Elizabeth was my Jewish marvelous grandmother's name (my mother's mother's mother). Elishaba is the hebrew evenly balanced of Elizabeth. Considerably, the name Elishaba way "G-d's declaration". I was fixed idea and gave an declaration in the womb, as all souls of Israel do [Niddah 30b] - and diffident in neatness, it is an declaration I think of to this day. By this means, the name Elishaba is integral to who I am as a secular living with a particular Betoken outline. Short any doubt and lacking lament, Amalek was blotted out. I stood unmovable with the power of netzach and true mesirut nefesh to settle the meaning and affair in the name Elishaba. This is my name. In Torah, Elisheva/Elishaba is of the tribe of Yehudah, and as the other half of Aharon the Kohen Gadol, she is a kohenet. Forward-thinking, she was reincarnated as Batsheva, the soulmate of David HaMelech. Elisha-ba/Elisheva holds the keys to revolution, healing and resurrection. He is equally the one who acknowledged the blanket of Eliyahu HaNavi, the harginger of redemption. In supplement to its viaduct to the navi'im, the name Elisha-ba rectifies the blunder of Elisha ben Avuyah, as Elishaba is anchored in the goodness of the names Liorah and Chanah and acceptable by the name which follows it, Tsabrah.
TSABRAH - This describes my "temper" anyway. I am a very mordant peculiar on the outside, reasonable equal the tsabrah fruit. This name describes the paradigm of peculiar I am. Furthermore, the 3-letter support of the name way "to storeroom" and to "collect to protect from loss". So, this name "gathers" all my other names together and protects the affair described by all my other names.
BAT AHUVYAH - My mother's name is Cheryl. Cheryl is french for "favorite". Short my mother's shut in in copious ways in the course of the being, my Torah study would be in a piteous, piteous protectorate. My mother is a mainstay of G-d. Even though we also understand differently, my mother's terrible political leanings to G-D is lishmah, making her a resolution advocate of the soul power ahavah as described by the name Ahuvyah. This soul power is actualized and voiced indoors the Shema prayer aim the idiom "with all my crucial point, with all my soul, with all my energy" and is the secret of the staff of Aharon.
V'ADAR - My father's name is Audra. The hebrew letters in this name are "alef vav dalet reish". Two information 3-letter heredity for these letters are: "alef dalet reish" (, meaning "strong", "blanket" and "character") and "alef vav dalet" (, meaning "set wearing make signs" and "effect have a fight"). My opening is the benevolent spirit of a man who occupied his negligible youngster in his arms and told her "you can be anything you direct to be" and next ended me take the liberty it. I've never over and done, Daddy. I coldly returned to Torah and became a ba'alat teshuvah indoors the month of Adar. My turn on the way to complete teshuvah was stimulated by a Jew named Warning (Mordechai) and Warning (Mordechai) is equally the halfway name of the Kohen who supervised my wintry return to Torah. Mordechai, Mordechai (two of my primary teachers, equal Moshe, Moshe in a fuzzy-Purim kinda way) is the star in the story of Purim, a Spiritual Day in the month of Adar. All of these facts are provided for in the hebrew name-unit of my opening, "v'Adar".
BAT AHUVYAH V'ADAR - And what have possession of I done with the supplement of these names to mine? I honor also my emergence parents and the teachers who returned me to Torah. The affair of G-D cannot be first-rate wherever honor is not municipal along with parents and children nor because the honest mitzvah of tribute one's parents (and teachers) is battered. Elishaba is one of my names and I do it, with character in honor to my parents and teachers.
All my hebrew names ARE my names. They redress rationalize who I am, what my affair is, from wherever I came, wherever I'm at, to wherever I'm going, and who has helped me to get expound. In my notice, I HAVEN'T Scarcely Decide on MY HEBREW NAMES - I Limit Improve on THEM. And no one, no one, can reveal me that my names are not supply, such as I know differently.
The "lamed-hey" pasuk in Torah which encompasses my number one name Liorah as well as "all "my 4 own names ( ) of redemption is DEVARIM 30:12 (paraphrased):
It is not in the impression,
that I duty say,
who can go up and get it for me
that I may take in it.
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No one requirements to obtain me sureness to use my own names.
"Eh-yeh Asher Eh-yeh."
"1 Melachim 18:39"
You have possession of 3 names: the name your parents funding on you, the name by which others buzz you, and the name you earn for yourself aim your grasp. "Kohelet Rabbah 7:3"
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