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Monday, 30 May 2005

How Is The Active Wish Aspect Of Wishcraft Controlled

How Is The Active Wish Aspect Of Wishcraft Controlled Cover How is the active-wish aspect of Wishcraft controlled? It is just the same as how a spell is operated. But what happens if a wish goes wrong? And, what happens if you inadvertently wish for something that you really didn’t mean or want to wish for? Initially, a precaution you can take is to pay attention to how you phrase your wish. Second, you can “take it back.” In the case that you don’t like your wording or you suddenly change your mind on some aspect of the wish, then you would gather back your energy. Regather the energy the wish has been fueled with, the feelings put into it, and psychically force the wish to alter. You could alter the wish by psychically cancelling the wish and then rephrasing what you meant in its place. Or, alternatively, you can always make another wish that parallels the first but essentially corrects the first wish. These alternatives are not meant to put a band-aid on the wish as much as improve it before it goes awry. In the best of all scenarios, of course, you would certainly want to think before you wish! We must maintain our control, but many times, unfortunately, what we are thinking is said aloud when we intended to keep it to ourselves.

There are various ways Wishcraft could be invoked (i.e., weather magic, finding lost items, curing illness, and so on). But regardless of why it is being used, be sure to take into consideration the potential results of your actions. There’s a reason for everything, but as a Practitioner, you must know the intent and reason behind what you do. Ignorance does not beget freedom of action. In other words, don’t be frivolous and mess with that which isn’t supposed to be in your control. It is your responsibility to know what you are doing and what the results of your actions are. Do your homework before taking the plunge. Don’t infringe on others’ free will (as some practitioners might do with love spells). In other words, rather than say “I wish so-and-so would fall in love with me”, focus the wish on how you could make yourself more desirable to the right person (whoever he or she might be).

I hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of the intricacies of the practice of Wishcraft. Just keep in mind that you get what you ask for. Energy returns. We reap what we sow. There are many positive aspects to be gained by Wishcraft, but there are just as many downfalls without taking the proper precautions. But overall, in the case of Wishcraft, remember: You just might get what you wished for.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Paul Boyer - The Salem Witchcraft Papers Vol 3
Michael Harrison - The Roots Of Witchcraft
Tarostar - The Witchs Spellcraft Revised
Martin Van Buren Perley - A Short History Of The Salem Village Witchcraft Trials
Summers Montague - The History Of Witchcraft And Demonology

Sunday, 29 May 2005

Witchcraze A New History Of The European Witch Hunts

Witchcraze A New History Of The European Witch Hunts Cover

Book: Witchcraze A New History Of The European Witch Hunts by Anne Barstow

Barstow's history examines feminist concerns relating to the witch hunts without succumbing to a prejudicial bias. Though her focus is the persecution of women as witches, the text realistically examines the sources of the problem without devolving into a feminist tirade or resorting to man- or church-bashing.

Barstow's book is definitive portrait of the witch-hunts that terrorized European women during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Though the persecution, torture, and execution of more than seven million women suspected of being witches during this period has been documented in other historical sources, Barstow is the first scholar to offer a convincing gender analysis of the Reformation-era witch craze. According to Barstow, independent and intelligent women often proved to be convenient targets for misogynists seeking scapegoats for every conceivable social ill. Most interesting is the author's credible assertion that the witch-hunts not only paralleled the emergence of a more patriarchal society, but also heralded the disturbing decline in the status of women that continued over the course of the next several centuries. A fascinating historical treatise that provides an evolutionary context for the contemporary proliferation and escalation of violence toward women.

The text addresses a variety of issues significant to the study of the fairy tales, particularly in defining the methods of characterization that were used to identify and to stereotype women as witches. The same characteristics, both real and projected, that were used to identify and persecute witches during the European witch hunts can be clearly seen in the characterization of witches in fairy tales. Barstow identifies "the witch" as a hostile stereotype by which "Women who challenge patriarchal structures... will be made to pay." This is as true in fairy tales as it was during the witch hunts. Barstow's text is indispensable to Understanding how the witch character developed as well as examining the purpose of gender roles in fairy tales.

Barstow sees the Witch Trials as a past expression of the ! continuing woman-fearing and hating that occurs in our world. Though more subtle forms continue today, she cites that we remain in a world with female-genital mutilation in Africa and wife-burning in India. Widespread rape and wife-beating in the USA would be another form of this. The witch trials were a particularly disturbing form of historical misogyny in Early Modern Europe.

The witch trials were a phenomenon in which the majority of victims were women. Most scholarly accounts tend to ignore or gloss-over this fact. This original account offers much of which is missing in the rest of the literature.

Buy Anne Barstow's book: Witchcraze A New History Of The European Witch Hunts

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Arthur Edward Waite - The Real History Of The Rosicrucians Part Iii
Arthur Edward Waite - The Real History Of The Rosicrucians Part I
Allen Greenfield - The Secret History Of Modern Witchcraft
Walter Gibson - Witchcraft A History Of The Black Art

Saturday, 28 May 2005

Trad Witchcraft Compared To Wicca

Trad Witchcraft Compared To Wicca Cover Trad Witchcraft, or "Traditional British Witchcraft" is not Wicca. Trad Witchcraft, has existed for many hundreds of years before Wicca. That doesn't make Trad Witchcraft better, but it does make us different.

Trad Witchcraft is a family of traditions that come from our common British historic past. The Trad Crafter (or witch) follows a household tradition that is reflective of that past, while as in every age, individual practices can be changed and modified to personal taste. Nevertheless, these changes and modifications are done within our Basic Principles, traditions, and customs.

However, Wicca goes far beyond the traditions of our ancestors. Wicca is a modern religion. Wicca was formed in the 1950's by Gerald Gardner. He took from quite a number of external concepts and practices to form his new, unique brand of witchcraft. Many of these additions had never previously been part of any tradition in British Witchcraft.

Here are a few differences:

1. Exclusivity - Gardnerian, Alexandrian and other conservative Wiccans believe they have the exclusive right to initiate (or create) a witch. Therefore, conservative Wiccans do not recognize other witches, even those fully trained in traditions older than Wicca.

Trad Witches take exception to this nonsense. One can only surmise that all the witches across the centuries were not witches according to Wicca. This is astonishing. since Wiccans come from a tradition that is only about 57 years old!

It should be noted that many liberal or progressive Wiccans do not follow this aspect of conservative Wicca, and openly recognize witches of all traditions.

2. Public Nudity - Wicca's founder, Gerald Gardner, was a nudist. When he created Wicca, he incorporated nudity (he called it "skyclad") into ritual ceremonies.

Trad Witches take exception to this practice. There has never been nudity in any tradition of old British Witchcraft. Trad Witchcraft has always believed that nudity is insulting to the spirits.

3. Public Ritual Sex - Wicca has a ritual called the "Great Rite", which in its highest form requires full sexual intercourse between the High Priest and the High Priestess, in "closed" covens.

Trad Witches take exception to this rite for several reasons. 1) Sex is a private matter that should take place only behind bedroom doors. 2) Performing public sex is grossly insulting to the spirits. Thus, this rite has never and would NEVER take place in any Traditional British Witchcraft group.

I must make clear that many liberal or progressive Wiccan covens only perform this rite "symbolically" using an athame and a chalice.

4. Female Dominance - Conservative Wiccans and many (but not all) liberal Wiccan covens recognize a state of superiority for their High Priestesses over their High Priests, and the superiority of the Goddess over the God.

Trad Witches take exception to the idea of female dominance, the idea is inconsistent with our fundamental principle of gender equality. In reality, neither females nor males are innately superior to the other. All peoples are equal and must be treated as equals.

Books in PDF format to read:

Jaroslav Nemec - Witchcraft And Medicine
Paul Boyer - The Salem Witchcraft Papers Vol 3
Archmage Bob Andrews - Old Witchcraft Secrets
Anonymous - Witchcraft A Guide To Magic
Anonymous - Witchcraft And Wicca Faq

Tuesday, 3 May 2005

The Broom

The Broom Cover The broom stick was an important fixture in ancient homes through out Europe. Most homes were made of wood, straw and dirt floors. The only way to keep a home clean was to sweep out the old.

This concept is even documented in the Bible.
In Isaiah 14:23 (KJV translation) I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the LORD of hosts.
In Luke 15:8 "The Parable of the Lost Coin": "Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?"

One of the earliest forms of the broom is known as the Besom Broom. They were made of twigs tied to a handle. The bristles can be made of various materials such as straw, herbs, or twigs. The shaft is round to represent the branch of a tree. This associates the broom with the Tree of Life which was an important symbol in ancient pagan Europe. Traditionally a Besom broom is made from hazel wood and the bristles are birch twigs.

These brooms were often found just inside a dwelling hanging with bristles up to ward off evil spirits, negative energies and to protect the home and all who dwell within it. It could also be found hanging over a door with the bristles facing in the direction of opening of the door.

They were relatively inefficient as a cleaning implement and needed constant repair or recreation. Today Besom Brooms are still crafted and sold at garden centers as an outdoor broom. You can also find decorated and scented versions (ie: cinnamon besom brooms) in craft stores for indoor decorations.

The brooms Relation to sweeping away negative energies and use for Protection makes it a wonderful tool for magikal Practices and rituals. Consequently it wasn't a big leap for European pagans to use the broom as a tool.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Meshafi Resh - The Black Book
Tuesday Lobsang Rampa - The Hermit
Aleister Crowley - The Necronomicon
Samuel Liddell Macgregor Mathers - The Tarot