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Saturday, 17 December 2005

Paul Huson Mastering Witchcraft

Paul Huson Mastering Witchcraft Cover If you were only to own one book on the practice of Witchcraft (not the religion of Wicca) Paul Huson’s Mastering Witchcraft is the reference you wold want. Not for the faint of heart and definitely un-fluffy this book is a grimoire unto itself and you could legitimately build your practice just around the information in these pages.

Huson’s Witchcraft is sort of a Paganization of a very simplified (and effective) Ceremonial Magic. There is a religious position taken in the book which may be uncomfortable for modern Neo-Pagans in certain respects and will offend Christians but for the Witch or Warlock interested in the practice of Witchcraft there is no better Introduction or reference. One of the few books I’ve read that contains effective curses and bindings and it even has a section on running a coven, though the covens here are not your Wiccan covens of today.

Books in PDF format to read:

William Frederick Poole - Cotton Mather And Salem Witchcraft
Swain Wodening - Anglo Saxon Witchcraft
Paul Huson - Mastering Witchcraft