Sometimes referred to as the Old Religion, Wicca was popularized in the 1950’s by Gerald Gardner, hence the Garnerian Wicca tradition. Other traditions with specific rituals and practices include Eclectic Wicca, Traditional Wicca, and Green Wicca.
Like the Ten Commandments within the Christian religion, Wiccans have their own text as well, called The Wiccan Rede. In addition, they have a book full of religious texts called The Book of Shadows, as well as the Holy Bible for Christians.
Many believe that the Wiccan Religion comprises of only spells, incantations, and rituals. Most Wiccans communicate with nature spiritually on a daily basis as part of their daily ritual. It does not exactly mean Wiccans brew potions or casts spells during the late hours of night. Like the Christian Christmas holiday, Wiccans celebrate Yule, in which they feast and exchange gifts as well. Also like Christians, Wiccans also have a church to worship their divinities, and recite texts from their Book of Shadows.
The basic concept of Wicca is duotheistic: One God and one Goddess. Some Wiccans being monotheistic, they keep constant contact with their divinities through meditation or any other form of divination. With every Sabbat and full-moon Esbats, they have certain rituals they tend to that correspond to that certain Sabbat or Esbat. There are eight Sabbats: Yule, Imbolc, Ostara (Easter), Beltane, Litha, Lughnassadh, Mabon, and Samhain (Halloween).
Judging from texts, sabbats, and certain ritualistic procedures, Wicca is no different from any other religion that exist here in the United States. With a more open mind, more people will be able to accept others for their religious beliefs. If not, then history will become the present, only more discreetly. (by Felecia S. Ewald)
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