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Sunday 10 April 2011


I have a bit of a mission for Thelemites across the world, and all it requires is action. Here are the directions for a very powerful way of spreading the word of the Law:

A. get your phone book and look up bookstores

B. pick up your phone and proceed to call these bookstores

C. when someone answers, tell them that you would like to order copies of The Book of the Law, Book 4, Holy Books, etc.." go crazy with it, let's shoot for the dozens

D. never pick up those copies (unless you so Will)

I know that Barnes and Noble will not require you to pick up the books, and I believe that unless a bookstore asks you to put down a deposit of sorts then they won't require that you pick them up. What then happens is after a couple weeks the books are placed upon the book shelves. There is no greater way to even out the ratio of good occult books versus shitty teen witch books in your local book store's occult/new age section. I wouldn't suggest doing this to small book stores, let's just stick with the titans like B&N and Books a Million. Also, it may be funny to give the name and phone number, upon request from the vendor, of a local politician or zillionaire.

If for no other reason, do it so that there will be less foolish and childish books in the new age section, giving us magicians a bad name, and more ways to find Thelema. I'm sure we've all put on a frown when visiting a local occult book store that hasn't even heard the name Aleister Crowley.

93 93/93

Origin: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com