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Friday, 30 November 2007

Walking The Wiccan Path After The Cristian Path

Walking The Wiccan Path After The Cristian Path Cover

Book: Walking The Wiccan Path After The Cristian Path by Maureen Delaney

I am Wiccan. One may view Wicca as one of the newest or one of the oldest Religions in the world. The Foundation of Wicca is the Celtic society (circa 800 BCE) and their reverence of nature, seasonal days, beliefs and the Deities they worshiped. That foundation can also be traced back to the Pagan1 society of Canaan and their ancient fertility religions. All religion including Wicca found it’s beginning in the earliest of times. Once worship of the Goddess (creator) and the God (protector-hunter) began, all religion began. I suspect every religion can be traced back to the earliest of times and to the worship of the Goddess and God.

I am glad I walked those paths that lead me to Wicca. Without having walked and explored those paths, I would not have appreciated and embraced Wicca. I grew into Wicca. If I had not had the comparisons that I did, I could not have taken the personal journey that I have within my religion.

I would like to explore some of the similarities and differences of Wicca and Christianity. I feel having experienced both I can explain the culmination of my becoming one with the Goddess. And She becoming one with me. (from Maureen Delaney)

Download Maureen Delaney's eBook: Walking The Wiccan Path After The Cristian Path

Books in PDF format to read:

Bil Linzie - Investigating The Afterlife Concepts Of The Norse Heathen
Scott Cunningham - Living Wicca A Further Guide For The Solitary Practitioner
June Johns - King Of The Witches The World Of Alex Sanders
Michael Ford - The Luciferian Path The Witches Sabbat
Maureen Delaney - Walking The Wiccan Path After The Cristian Path