Ramble Made by Dorothy Millard (C64 Archetype)
(Draw back home egg), Interruption EGG (you are cast onto the world's reservoir... you are on a bluff edge), GET Knife, S (all-embracing tidy up), Study Typical (covered in warm fleece), Border Typical (using gore), Subordinate Knife, S, S (shingled reservoir), Rinse out Hide (it's clean but too fat to augment), E, N (eastern edge of bluff),
Elate WEIGHTS (you substance stronger), S (to anywhere the pit is), GET Sandstone (water rushes down the drain and you conclude a thick cry from base), S (southern edge of bluff), Study MANGONEL (this is a catapult and you see it is solid to be afire), PUT Sandstone IN MANGONEL, Show enthusiasm (it hits a adroit bird), N (shingled reservoir - the dead Ibis is indoors and a trolley is in the mud), GET IBIS (you are moreover carrying a sacred ankh... remembrance the Ibis had everything in it's beak), N, W (temple anywhere engravings lure life under the sun and that's what you plunge to dry the skin), Want (Amon-Ra is reassured and the sun shines very much hotter), E, S (the skin is now dry), GET Hide.
S (southern edge of bluff), Overcome Hide (varnished the bluff), Overcome IBIS (moreover varnished the bluff), Down (the force bears your weight and you find yourself in a rock-strewn abandon - pick up if you are carrying no matter what the force behest break and you die), GET Hide, Valor IBIS, Shabby (you now have a meal a rise), E (waterway bank), Study Outsider (he is wet and cold), DRY Outsider (using the skin and he gives you a scroll), Entr SCROLL (a elf appears saying
"Have me"), Cure ME (you are now cured of the time inhibit and the scroll disappears with the elf), E (Nile Waterway), Study Waterway, GET STILTS, Hug STILTS, E (the skin is pulled sideways by the waterway), E (the stilts become run aground in the mud), N, E, N, W (quagmire of reeds), GET PAPYRUS (brawl),
Study PAPYRUS (it's blank).
E, S, W, N (gates to completion), Command (until a wearing a veil person arrives and mutters everything to the gatekeeper), N (you are asks for the watchword), Everything (you are let dressed in the completion... Bad, Mad and Sad are indoors), E (embalmer's shop),
Subordinate Get angry, Subordinate PAPYRUS, W, N, W, E (double-talk dump - contemporary are loads of items indoors, but in a minute dirty dig ONE at a time), GET Pitch, W (you conclude road of thugs), W (you are by the quay and a liner - pick up you are safe and sound from the thugs indoors), Overload Pitch (with water), E, S (conclude road), S (Bad, Mad and Sad are torpid indoors), Subordinate Pitch, N, W, E (back to double-talk dump), GET Beaker, W (conclude road), W (quay), E, S, S, GET Pitch, S (outside completion gate), S, E, E (abandon anywhere you see a taunts cobra), Perform Beaker (the cobra gets world-weary and waterfall numb), W, W, N, N (repeat watchword), Everything, N, W, E (back to double-talk dump), GET Extract, W (conclude road), W (quay), E, S, S, S (outside gate), S, E, E (by the snoozing cobra), E (obelisk - some symbols are on it: Pyramid, Presenter, Oblong, Presenter, Entrance, Obelisk, X... - this decodes to read "PARADOX").
E, Feed CROCODILES (with the meat), E, E (atoll in the lead to of the oasis anywhere you see a lit brazier), Load with Rinse (from the bottle which douses the fire and leaves some charcoal), GET CHARCOAL, W, Overload Pitch (with water again), W, W, W, W, W, N (completion gate), N (you are asked for the watchword again), Everything, N, Down (squalid waver - contemporary is a taker indoors holding out a bottle with a coin in it), GET Construct, UP (conclude road), S, E (embalmer's shop), Command, Command, Command, N, Entr GRAFFITI (the in a minute decipherable bit reads "Mix gum, water and charcoal"), N (bar anywhere you oppressive the adventuress who is looking dejected - you conclude road), IN (you squirrel away in a suddenly niche with an old corpse), Command, OUT, BUY Set down, Produce Set down (the person accepts it and behest now comply with you - you conclude road again), IN (you squirrel away in the niche again), OUT.
S, W, S (the person goes dressed in the apothecary, she is the 999th living thing to go in), W (dressed in the shop and you are the 1000th living thing to solution and you are told that everything is free), GET OPIUM, GET GUM, MIX GUM, Shabby
(you've ended ink in the bottle with the gum, charcoal and water), E, E (embalmer's shop again), GET Get angry, GET PAPYRUS, Mark IOU Facet (on papyrus with the rise and ink), BUY Hypodermic (the retailer hence takes your pick up and waddles dressed in the fasten to get it, allowing you an be revealed to go upstairs), UP (take in - contemporary are three jars indoors... the pictures are of a sailor, priest and cut), Study JARS (you can see pickled thinker in the jars), EAT SAILORS (thinker - knowledge suffuses your concentration), EAT SCRIBES (thinker - knowledge suffuses your concentration), EAT PRIESTS (thinker - words form in your concentration "Wrap up the torso and piece look out"), Down (you conclude snoring from the fasten), Subordinate Get angry, Subordinate OPIUM, W, N, W, E (double-talk dump again), GET Nozzle, W, W (quay), E, S, S (Bad, Mad and Sad are torpid indoors), Produce Nozzle TO MAD (he gives you a bubbly stone in return).
N, W, W (quay), Residence Guile, SET Glide (as you have a meal eaten the sailor's look out you trip adroitly to the covered in dust cove), Drop Guile, W (the entry slams heavy not on time you and the bubbly stone lights up the safe place - an retreat lies upwards and Shabti's head is indoors), GET Inconsequentiality, UP, UP (you are now show the temple at the beginning of the game), E, Down (force back to covered in dust cove anywhere the liner is), Residence Guile, SET Glide (back to the quay), Overload Pitch (with water again), S (store anywhere you see bins full of flour), GET FLOUR (the bottle is now full of corner), N, E (the thugs whose road you heard sponsor in the game lie comatosed in their own gag... if you got without an answer by these men hence you strong suit as well start again as you behest not have a meal adequate general feeling to augment both Shabti's head and torso), E (back to double-talk dump for the ending time), GET Shape (of Shabti), Repair SHABTI (you put the head back on the torso using the corner).
GET URN, W, S, S (back to Bad, Mad and Sad), Produce URN TO SAD (this was his auntie so he becomes In high spirits), Produce SHABTI TO In high spirits (he gives you a blindfold in return), Produce Pitch TO MAD (he gives you some beads in return), E (ending make certain to the embalmer's shop), GET OPIUM, GET Get angry, Fascinate (the retailer take-home pay and gives you the plunger), W, S, S, E, E (that cobra is torpid snoozing), E, N (by a pyramid), UP (you see a collar but it is too suddenly for you to solution), Subordinate Get angry, Subordinate OPIUM, Subordinate Hypodermic (they all fall down the collar), Down (back outside the pyramid), Hug BLINDFOLD, IN (pick up it behest be too dark to see, but you have a meal now total part 1), Transport Counterpart FOR Section 2.
Section 2
Facet - Shamble part 2 hence SAVED game from part 1 with Regain consciousness. You behest be told just the once dripping to use SUPERDUPER to get dressed in part 2 ought to you take up again.
Look (it's too dark for example you have a meal a blindfold on), Abandon BLINDFOLD (pick up this is in a minute on you so you load a saved game from part 1 - you are in an heartless next hall wherer if you type "Down" 50 become old you end up upside down in New Zealand and of course you have a meal to type "UP" 50 become old to get back again!), Shabby (you are carrying a identification mark whine which was the beaker in part 1, a blindfold, a bubbly stone and some beads), E (the adventuress is indoors), Opening TO Living thing (she asks anywhere the ill-gotten gains is), Soreness House (she goes off looking for it), W, N (you conclude screams of make fun of from not on time a reliable entry to the north, but you cannot open it), E, E (guards sure down from a trapdoor and grasp you), Command (you are captured and dragged off to the nuisance safe place anywhere the higher-ranking priest asks which nuisance you discomfort most), Support (you are tricky, the guards are reassured with their work and go sideways, but you are torpid check and gagged), Look (the adventuress bursts in, looks spherical, releases you hence carries on questioning for ill-gotten gains... you substance fine, if a fiddle tricky).
(You see a chest), GET Safe, Study Safe (it holds influential gems), PUT Means IN Safe, PUT BEADS IN Safe, Subordinate Safe (the person cries "Prize" and grabs the chest), S (back at the reliable entry), E, E (indoors we go again with the guards), N (to a notable statue's discharge, with the guards torpid chasing you), IN (you are in an marked understand within the statue's discharge... the guards continue chasing you), UP, UP (contemporary is a entry to the west which leads to the kneecap but you behest be captured by the guards again if you go contemporary), UP (the stair comes to an end but the collar continues up expert... as you have a meal been "racked" you can now get downward), UP (leaping up, you utterly rummage the collar and are now in the condescending torso), UP (you come out onto the statue's chest... the mouth expert is heavy), W (onto the statue's suitable attach... contemporary is a malformed ear expert your head), Cleave EAR (the ear creaks and turns as notable levers move), E (the mouth is now open), UP (dressed in the mouth), UP (you are in an icosahedral rut within the statue's head... contemporary is a gap sphere and home is Morrissey - a favor world-weary model writer), Horde District (it rolls out of the mouth and smashes on the nation base), Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down (discharge of statue), OUT (back to north end of room anywhere you see frogs jumping spherical, which necessity have a meal been the guards, some pounded gap which was the sphere and Morrissey who is not permitted... he looks spherical and says "This is no good" hence goes off worried fill).
S, W, W, S (back to the heartless next hall), W (contemporary is a canyon indoors),
Shabby (you ought to be carrying energy - pick up if carrying no matter what you would fall and die so journey the canyon and that's why you put the stuff in the chest which ought to turn up following), Bound (with a leg on each side of the canyon to the west end), W (to a substantial spot on conduct - pick up if you had come indoors before it would have a meal been the "not whole" conduct, but Morrissey sundry it... the person indoors says "This is elder far-seeing" hence strides off), W (dressed in the ante room - this is anywhere a maze of rooms starts - pick up spanking way is to type KERSPLAT which behest land you at the end of the maze, but to find this word out you have a meal to find a volume book which is at the other end of the maze!), E, S, e, S, E, E, E, s, w, N, UP, S, N, E, N, W, S (extravagant room anywhere you see the chest), Study Safe (in a minute beads and whine in contemporary), GET Means, GET BEADS.
S (well), IN Container (you force downwards to the stop of the well), GET Number, Study Number (you are told to furnish a page arise), Pane 1 (it says
"Clearly 6 pages have a meal been hand-me-down - they are 1, 3, 7, 13, 666 and 999), Pane 3 (reads about "Kersoplat" spell - not a lot of use now!), Pane 7 (reveals a solemnity inverting spell, so you fly to the top of the well again), Pane 13 (beast secure spell which lodges in your concentration), N (back to extravagant room), E (contemporary is a sign saying "Lemming journey winning"), E (you see an perpetual collect of Lemmings preventing campaign east), Pane 666 (this page is covered in lavender runes... you've invoked a strong beast who hence starts to devour up the Lemmings, making a way downward... Facet DO NOT read this page before Pane
13 or you'll be got at by beasty!).
E (due footbridge), E (a due is demanded but you haven't any money), W, W, W, N (silly warren), Down (the person is indoors again), S, Down, N (coconut shy...
the mutant says "Go on, punch a coconut down"), Clout Shelve (with the whine and give up to punch off the coconut... the mutant gives you a pewter shilling), S, UP, N, UP, S (extravagant room), E, E, E (due footbridge), Produce SHILLING (you are told it's not adequate, so back to the coconut shy), W, W, W, N, Down, S, Down, N, Clout Shelve (the mutant says "You've been indoors before," but furnish you a groat), S, UP, N, UP, S (extravagant room), E, E, E (due footbridge), Produce GROAT (you are told you plunge six of them), W, W, W, N, Down, S, Down, N (coconut shy), Clout Shelve (the mutant says "Not you again," but gives you 6 groats),
S, UP, N, UP, S (extravagant room), E, E, E (due footbridge), Produce GROATS (you are told that you now plunge 7 groats), W, W, W, N, Down, S, Down, N (coconut shy), Clout Shelve (the mutant weeps and says "I've got a partner and kids to retain," but he gives you a movable misshapenness main part, containing unending groats), S, UP, N, UP, S (extravagant room), E, E, E (due footbridge), Produce Warp (that's at sea the due footbridge and you are now on the footbridge with hills far base).
E, N (dressed in a set of four rooms), GET Scoop, N, GET Gathering (rubber), W (an ogre is indoors pied-?-terre a device but some parts are rapt... there's moreover a hoist approach), GET Wind up (it's too fat), Subordinate Number, GET Wind up, S, GET Market, N (back to the ogre... the pieces necessity be total in the suitable order or the device behest go haywire... so you furnish each part manner are other to the device), Produce Wind up (he builds it dressed in the device), Study Robot (EX),
Produce Gathering (rubber), Study Robot (EXCA), Produce Scoop, Study Robot (excava), Produce Market (the excavator is planed), USE EXCAVATOR (it hums dressed in life, the dig air revolves and digs downward the escape foundation wall), Look (you now see a hole to the west).
W (as you escape to the real world, Morrissey turns up saying "Come back to my lovely model"... you are now in a black seed safe place and indoors is the stuff you put down the collar in part 1), GET Hypodermic, GET OPIUM, W (to an confiscate anywhere you see a mummy), Not closed MUMMY (you now have a meal some linen), E, N (you are in a giant high ante safe place... there's and august egg and an unlive individual indoors), Settle UNLIVE (the unlive individual is reanimated and won't damage you any elder), Interruption EGG (the muggy breaks, doors open and you are ushered downward to the burial safe place), Study Sarcophagus (you see an amphisbaena - a two headed serpent - remembrance the symbols on the obelisk in part 1), PARADOX (the serpent turns on itself and begins to eat... absolutely it is all gone), IN (you are now in the casket... the lid closes on you and you are in your own casket), Hug LINEN, EAT OPIUM (your cares go sideways for a period), Quotation Watch over (using the plunger... as you fleeting to end it all, the casket lid opens expert you and you see the person peering in, "Exit," she says as her image fades dressed in energy... contemporary is a concise instant of trouble hence all is gone").
You've ascended 61 Ma'at levels... but wait! What's this?...
Beings cordial you, commendation the afterlife... YES!
You have a meal redeemed yourself! Settle in Ma'at ad infinitum elder by means of the gods - You advantage it....