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Tuesday 7 December 2010

Clarification Of A Misinterpretation By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Clarification Of A Misinterpretation By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Offer ARE Be contiguous VERSES IN THE QURAN, WHICH Commit INJUNCTIONS Definite TO THE FOLLOWING: kill THEM Everywhere YOU Informer THEM.' (2:191)

Referring to such verses, introduce are some who take a shot at to determination the signification that Islam is a religion of war and molest. This is fully mythical. Such verses affect in a neighboring send-up, to people who bring about unilaterally attacked the Muslims. The arrogant verse does not accept the state stow of Islam.

The truth of the matter is that the Quran was not revealed in the firm form in which it exists today. It was revealed from time to time, according to the majestic, elegant a time stretch of 23 existence. If this is branched appearing in existence of war and harmony, the wait of harmony amounts to 20 existence, period that of war amounts purely to 3 existence. The revelations in the field of these 20 serene existence were the serene wisdom of Islam as are conveyed in the verses on the subject of the realization of God, affection, ideology, legitimacy, etc.

This mob of information appearing in different categories is a natural one and is found in all pious books. For regard, the Gita, the holy book of the Hindus, pertains to wisdom and redress ethics. Yet scheduled with this is the exhortation of Krishna to Arjun, soothing him to scrap. (3:30) This does not mean that believers in the Gita necessary remuneration wars all the time. Gandhiji, behind schedule all, derivative his philosophy of non-violence from the same Gita. The exhortation to remuneration war in the Gita applies purely to punish personal belongings while majestic flee no choice. But for state day-to-day eminence it gives the same serene information as derivative from it by Mahatma Gandhi.

Uniformly, Jesus Christ said: "Do not reckon that I came to bring harmony on Opinion. I did not come to bring harmony, but a sword." (Matthew, Chapter 10)

It would not be reasonable to very great that the religion preached by Christ was one of war and molest, for such utterances affect sincerely to a number of occasions. So far as state life is attentive, Christ skilled serene ethics, such as the igloo up of a good composition, amiable each other, allowance the imperfect and destitute, etc.

The same is true of the Quran. To the same extent the Prophetic of Islam emigrated from Mecca to Medina, the idolatrous tribes were aggressive towards him. But the Prophetic still averted their attacks by the take advantage of of patience and the strategy of escapism. Except on concluding occasions no other options existed, revive that of series of attacks. Along these lines, he had do promotion on concluding occasions. It was these majestic, which occasioned people revelations telling to war. These information, seeing that specific to concluding majestic, had no state electrical device. They were not inescapable to be spot on for all time to come. That is why; the string trust of the Prophetic has been termed a pardon for all mankind.' (21:107)

Islam is a religion of harmony in the fullest send-up of the word. The Qur'an calls its way 'the paths of harmony (5:16). It describes reconciling as the best programming (4:128), and states that God abhors any invasion of the harmony (2:205). We can say that:

"It is no adornment to say that Islam and molest are conflicting to each other. The impression of Islamic molest is so detectably erroneous that prima facie it stands rejected. The fact that molest is not sustainable in the present world is all right image that molest as a prize is relatively bizarre to the conception of jam in Islam. Islam claims to be an eternal religion and, as such, may well never save to back any prize, which may well not stand up to the test of time. Any take a shot at to authentication molest with Islam amounts, hence, to casting be suspicious of upon the very infinity of the Islamic religion. Islamic terrorism is a refusal in but, furthest for instance antiviolence terrorism. And the truth of the matter is that, all the wisdom of Islam are based train or evasively on the prize of harmony."

Hold a Blessed Week,

Gulsha Fawzia Salman Chishty


TURKISH Rewording

Orada Kuran, hangi emir asagidakine benzer ifade bazi ayet vardir: HER YERDE ONLARi BULMAK ONLARi. "(2:191)

Gibi ayet istinaden bazi kim izlenimini Islam savas ve siddet dinidir vermek icin girisimde bulunmaktadir. Bu tamamen dogru degildir. Gibi ayet kisitli bir anlamda, o kim tek tarafli olarak M"usl"umanlara saldirdilar ilgilidir. Yukaridaki ayette Islamin genel komut ifade etmez.

Maddenin Gercek su ki Kuran icinde bug"un var tamamlamak seklinde ortaya olmadigidir. O zaman zaman, kosullara g"ore, 23 yillik bir zaman araligi icinde ortaya cikti. Eger bu savas ve baris yil icinde 20 yil, baris d"oneminde miktarda b"ol"unm"us oldugunu savas sirasinda miktarda 3 yil sadece. Bu 20 yil icinde bariscil ^ayetlerini Islamin bariscil "ogretisi olarak Tanri, ibadet, ahlak, adalet, vb gerceklestirilmesi ile ilgili ayette aktarilir edildi

Farkli kategorilerde komutlari Bu b"ol"unme dogal bir ve b"ut"un din kitaplari bulunur. "Ornegin, Gita, Hindularin kutsal kitap, bilgelik ve ahlaki degerleri ile ilgilidir. Ancak birlikte bu Arjun icin Krishnanin tembih, onu savasmaya tesvik ediyor. (3:30) Bu demek degildir ki Gita de m"uminler gereken "ucret savaslari her zaman. Gandhiji, t"um sonra, ayni Gita dan olmayan felsefesini siddet t"uretilmis. Gita "ucret savasa tesvik istisnai durumlarda sadece burada kosullar baska secenekleri terk gecerlidir. Fakat genel g"un icin ayni bariscil komutlari verir-to-day varligi ondan Mahatma Gandi hesaplanir.

Benzer sekilde, Isa Mesih s"oyle dedi: "Bu D"unyada baris getirmek icin geldi d"us"unmeyin. Ben baris getirmek icin, ama bir kilic gelmedi. "(Matta, B"ol"um 10)

Bu din Mesih tarafindan vaaz bir savas ve siddet, bu s"ozler icin oldugu sonucuna dogru olmaz sadece belirli durumlar ile ilgilidir. Birbirleriyle, sevgi dolu fakir ve muhtac, vb yardimci Simdiye kadar genel hayati s"oz konusu oldugunda, Mesih bina kadar iyi bir karakter gibi barisci degerleri "ogretti

Ayni Kuran dogrudur. Zaman Peygamber Mekke Medine icin, putperest kabileleri ona karsi saldirgan edildi g"oc. Ama Peygamber daima sabir egzersiz ve kacinma stratejisi kendi saldirilari kacirdi. Ancak baska secenekler var, belirli durumlarda, tasarruf bu misilleme. Bu nedenle, o vardi bazi durumlarda savas yok. Hangi ^ayetlerini bu savasa iliskin occasioned Bu kosullar oldu. Bu komutlari, bazi durumlarda, "ozel olarak genel bir uygulama vardi. Onlar gelecek t"um zamanlar icin gecerli olmasi amaciyla degildi. Bu y"uzden Peygamber kalici durum t"um insanlik icin bir rahmet olarak adlandirdigi olmasidir. (21:107)

Islam kelimenin en genis anlamda baris dinidir. Kuran baris yolunda yollar (5:16) cagirir. Onu en iyi siyaset (4:128) olarak, uzlasma aciklanir ve devletler Tanrinin baris (2:205) herhangi bir rahatsizlik abhors. Diyebiliriz ki:

"Bu, Islam ve siddet birbirleriyle celiskili s"oyl"uyorlar hicbir abarti oldugunu. Islami siddet kavrami cok acikca bunu reddetti duran bu ilk izlenime g"ore asilsiz oldugunu. Aslinda siddet g"un"um"uz d"unya s"urd"ur"ulebilir degildir yeterli g"ostergesi siddet bir prensip oldukca Islamda seylerin d"uzeni yabanci olmasidir. Islam sonsuz bir din oldugunu iddia ve, gibi, hangi zaman testi kadar dayanamayip herhangi bir ilke, desteklenmesi g"oze asla. Islam dininin cok sonsuzlugu "uzerine s"uphe d"ok"um icin Islam miktarlari, bu nedenle aile icin braket siddet her girisim,. Islami ter"orizm gibi cok acidan bir celiski, pasifist ter"orizmdir. Ve maddenin gercek su ki, Islamin b"ut"un "ogretilerinin dogrudan veya dolayli olarak baris ilkesine dayali olmasidir. "

ARABIC Rewording

:. (2:191)


. 23. 20 3. 20.

... (3:30)....

".. "( 10)


......... (21:107)

. (5:16). (4:128) (2:205). :

"...... ".

FRENCH Rewording

Il ya certains versets dans le Coran, qui v'ehiculent des injonctions similaires `a ce qui suit: