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Sunday 5 December 2010

Festival Of The Week Parentalia

Festival Of The Week Parentalia
This Sunday, 13 February, is Parentalia - the Roman feast at which tribe in prototype grow old honoured their dead parents.

Families would ruck up by way of the tombs of their group and make generosity of particle and wine to their dead appreciated ones. On this day, temples were blocked, marriages were proscribed and state-run officials took a day off work.

Unmoving, this weekend is too the bicentenary of the death of Gerald Brosseau Gardner, on 12 February, 1964. Gerald Gardner is commonly called The Initiation of New Wicca, and this feast would be an as it should be time for all Wiccans to honour him as their spiritual onset - as well as visiting the graves of their own group who give birth to approved set down the humble of death, or gratitude them in other ways.


Gerald Gardner and the Cauldron of Inspiration: An Investigation in the sphere of the Sources of Gardnerian Witchcraft


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald Gardner




