Because Cochrane did not leave any books or set tradition structure behind when he died, many people and groups have used his letters and writings to create traditions of their own based on his philosophy. Some of these incarnations include Joe Wilson’s 1734, the Ancient Keltic Church, 1734 Wicca, (which is a bit of an oxymoron because Cochrane was a very vocal opposer to Wicca), Briar Rose, as well as the traditions written about by authors strongly influenced by Cochrane including: Nigel Jackson, William Gray, Robin Artisson, and Peter Paddon. With the renewed interest in Cochrane in the United States, Evan John Jones published a series of articles in the UK periodical The Cauldron run by Mike Howard. More recently he also published a few books: two anthologies with Howard being The Roebuck in the Thicket (an anthology of Cochrane and Jones’ articles from The Cauldron and The Pentagram) and The Robert Cochrane Letters, Witchcraft: A Tradition Renewed (with an
Introduction by Valiente), and Sacred Mask, Sacred Dance. These books and others with the same influences form the basis of many
Traditional Witchcraft practices today and, as said in the disambiguation of the traditional
witchcraft lesson, some people may be led to think that this is the only tradition within traditional witchcraft. While Cochrane’s legacy is certainly one of the strongest influences, it is not the only one.
Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):
Walter Scott - Demonology And WitchcraftGordon Ireland - Faq On Wicca And Witchcraft And MoreMichael Ford - Luciferian Witchcraft An Introduction