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Tuesday 16 September 2008

Why Parsley

Why Parsley Cover
If parsley is thrown into fishponds,

it will heal the sick fishes therein.


The most popular culinary herb is probably parsley. The Romany folk used it for many cures. Parsley is best when fresh and green, and goes with almost any dish, adding not only flavour but also helping to keep the system clear and disease at bay. Incidentally, a sprig dipped in vinegar and chewed will sweeten the sourest of breath.

Have parsley at hand at all times and use it as a garnish in stews, soups, and sauces. Sprinkle it on cooked mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, artichokes, and add it to a vinaigrette sauce, french dressing, and creamed cheese dishes. Use parsley stuffing for chicken to give fragrance to the flesh. Read more...

Here are some authentic gyspy recipes that use parsley:

* Parsley Jelly
* Parsley Soup
* Gypsy Open Sandwich

Also read this ebooks:

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Hypnos
Marian Green - A Witch Alone

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