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Monday 10 August 2009

The History Of Witchcraft And Demonology

The History Of Witchcraft And Demonology Cover

Book: The History Of Witchcraft And Demonology by Summers Montague

My present work is the result of more than thirty years close attention to the subject of Witchcraft, and during this period I have made a systematic and intensive study of the older demonologists, as 1 am convinced that their first-hand evidence is of prime importance and value? whilst since their writings are very voluminous and of the last rarity they have universally been neglected, and are allowed to accumulate thick dust undisturbed. They are, moreover, often difficult to read owing to technicalities of phrase and vocabulary*
Among the most authoritative 1 may cite a few names : Sprenger (Malleus Maleficarum) ; Guazzo ; Bartolomeo Spina, O.P. ; John Nider, O.P. ; Grilland ; Jerome Mengo ; Binsfeld ; Gerson ; Ulrich Molitor ; Basin ; Murncr ; Crespet ; Anania ; Henri Boguet ; Bodin ; Martin Dclrio, S.J. ; Pierre le Loyer ; Ludwig Elich ; Godclmann ; Nicolas Rerny ; Salerini ; Leonard Vair ; De Lancrc ; Alfonso de Castro ; Sebastian Michaelis, O.P* ; Sinistrari ; Perreaud ; Dom Calmct ; Sylvester Mazzolini, O.P. (Prierias), When we supplement these by fche judicial records and the legal codes we have an immense body of material In all that I have written 1 have gone to original sources, and it has been, my endeavour fairly to weigh and balance the evidence, to judge without heat or prejudice^ to give the facts and the comment upon them with candour, sincerity, and truth* At the same time I ana very well aware that several great scholars for whom I have the sincerest personal regard and whose attainments 1 view with a very profound respect will differ from me in many particulars. (Summers Montague)

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