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Wednesday 19 February 2014

Hearthbeats Notes From A Kitchen Witch Herbs A To Z

Hearthbeats Notes From A Kitchen Witch Herbs A To Z
HearthBeats: Money from a Kitchen Witch

Herbs A to Z

Aloe Vera - Moon and water. It powers are hand-me-down for protection and luck. Transmit it with you to protect yourself in opposition to evil or ineptness. Aloe is hand-me-down for its clean, sleeping pill and germ-free properties; it is a good tool for rebirth of handkerchief. It is highest collectively hand-me-down on burns, slight cuts, sunburns and is foundation hand-me-down for the exposure of shoot at menace.

Angelica - Sun and fire. The root carried in a run down cloth bag is a warm talisman. It was leisurely to be under the observe of angels and in this manner a good blocking charm in opposition to the taunt. Put the whole root in a run down or white cloth bag and kill it in the pause as a protection in opposition to evil.

Agrimony - Air. Hand-me-down in protection spells, hand-me-down to banish impish energies and spirits. It can besides be hand-me-down to reverse spells and send them back to the sender. An grow of the foliage is hand-me-down to depletion jaundice and other liver ailments. For yourself, a fomentation is hand-me-down for athlete's bed, sores and infection bites.

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