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Saturday, 21 February 2009

Metaclysmia Discordia Or The Chaonomicon

Metaclysmia Discordia Or The Chaonomicon Cover

Book: Metaclysmia Discordia Or The Chaonomicon by Saint Synaptics

I humbly and proudly follow in the footsteps of the mighty Principia Discordia, the inconceivable Apocrypha Discordia, the wholly incorrigible Summa Discordia, the meaty Book of Eris and the delicious Zenarchist’s Cookbook (There may be more books out there that I’ve followed in the footsteps of, but I forget what they are). This Metaclysmia Discordia or Chaonomicon (I like alternate titles, so sue me) aims to provide you with more* Erisiana pulled from the web and other places (ok, mostly the web since I don’t have a life and don’t go anywhere else). Some of it is written by me, some is divined from the contents of my kleenex after that last particularly nasty head cold. Suffice to say some of the MD is a load of old snot.
That sounds about right.

*let’s face it, you wanted more, I wanted more, so here it is fnOrd! 17 Pico litres of Breast Milk (You could put it in your eye) - Saint Synaptics

Download Saint Synaptics's eBook: Metaclysmia Discordia Or The Chaonomicon

Books in PDF format to read:

Aleister Crowley - The Necronomicon
Reginald Scot - The Discoverie Of Witchcraft
Aleister Crowley - Mortadello Or The Angel Of Venice
Saint Synaptics - Metaclysmia Discordia Or The Chaonomicon