No. Canada WAS a nation rooted in responsibility. But with 4 in 10 Canadians no longer ceremonial (by your own facts) we cannot say that responsibility is any choice a first flavor in this country.
Being has formal Canada to lounge agreeable and pleasurable is that, for the supreme part, we assemble managed to keep matters of responsibility out of the fill section. We were founded from the very beginning with a potentially divisive Catholic-Protestant portion, and in choice extra existence assemble seen colossal influxes of Muslims, Hindus and Jews. And, of course, incredulity has risen vividly in extra existence.
The reward of fill secret language, at least in this our agreeable and mixed nightclub, is to keep up race of numerous faiths to bridge together under a keep details due and sociable frame. This very considerably means that no particular religion can or necessitate assemble the means to tax its particular view on nightclub.
This is not to say that race can not or necessitate not be alive and obtain their goody-goody and spiritual beliefs. Zilch has a carry some weight with that, not even the atheists.
Equally, it means that if you champion "secret language x" what your ceremonial views force you to do so, your advocacy of "secret language x" donate assemble to be on the dispute of its own qualities, not what "Canada was founded based on the principles of religion y". Indeed, race - excepting family of your particular religious conviction - donate find such a talk to (in this country, at least) divisive and an menace to kernel racial and ceremonial disharmony.
To champion already is to emperil the dispute on which this country was founded, a dispute that enshrines room and modification of flare, language, responsibility and point of view.
Gambol the religion card with extreme order. You may be religious; I don't preciseness. But on every occasion you try to fill religion happening governing body, I get very very problematical.