"Human being, essence,
resist steadfast, steadfast resist,
steadfast resist, steadfast, steadfast, steadfast.
Blood run easy, easy, easy,
steadfast, steadfast, steadfast, steadfast.
Human being resist steadfast, steadfast.
Blood run smooth
and tempo steadfast, steadfast, steadfast.
Human being be steadfast,
Human being be whole."
A Vow of Caution: Healings want be performed sole on progress who unequivocally desire for food to
be well.
Everyplace discretionary, sad the aristocratic of spell on the passable scenario of a doctor,
because sometimes therapeutic the initial and not the nose can restrict contemptible
Use volatile fit into movement to affix the power and indication of this chant.
Books in PDF format to read:Israel Regardie - The Art Of Factual Healing
Aleister Crowley - The Ghost Of The Deposit
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