If you picture complete a inhabit Autumn Equinox celebration, in vogue are some of the endeavors taking place in London and southern England as well as endeavors of common plot to pagans higher the next week:
Sunday 16 September; A Day with Ronald Hutton and Links - New-found witchcraft: Partnership a extreme from history. Pagan confer organised by The Centre For Pagan Studies in ask for with Greenmantle Stash. Venue: Conway Lecture, 25 Red Lion Equalize, London, Coupled Affirm WC1R 4RL. Time: 10am until 11pm. For above turn up, delay http://centre-for-pagan-studies.com/
Sunday 16 September; Jerk of the Oak. Pagan ill at ease on the third Sunday of each month. Venue: Upstairs at The Stronghold, 34-35 Cowcross Highway, Farringdon, London EC1M 6DB (nearby Farringdon tube). Time: 3pm-6pm. For above turn up send a message to Peter Warwick-Mahoney peter@dawnoftheoak.co.uk, or Eugenie eugenie@dawnoftheoak.co.uk.
Monday, 17 September; Croydon Crows. PF ill at ease held every 3rd Monday of each month at the Skylark pub, South End, South Croydon from 8pm forward.
Monday 17 September; Simple Seriousness in Vital Mature. Oral cavity by Catherine Ingram, author of Fanatical Presence.Venue: Alternatives, St. James's Religious, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL. Time: 7pm to 8.30pm. Tickets lb10/5 concs. To book tickets and for above info delay the Alternatives website: http://www.alternatives.org.uk/Site/Talks.aspx
Tuesday 18 September; You And Your Angels. Oral cavity by Amanda Roberts at The School of Revelation Studies, 16 Queensberry Trap, London SW7 2EB. Time: 12.30pm.- 1.30pm Cost: lb5/lb8. Polish booking advised. Tel: 020 7589 3292. http://www.collegpsychicstudies.co.uk/index.html
Tuesday 18 September; Encouraged Discourse And Claim Of Mediumship. Oral cavity by Dr Angela Watkins at The School of Revelation Studies, 16 Queensberry Trap, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm.- 8.30pm Cost: lb8/lb12. Polish booking advised. Tel: 020 7589 3292. http://www.collegpsychicstudies.co.uk/index.html
Tuesday 18 September 18; A Summary of the Yield Curl Sit out with Andy Thomas at
the London Open space for the Examination of Yield Circles and Far away Mysteries Meetup Populate. This group meets on one occasion a month on Tuesdays at the George Pub, 213 Strand, London WC2 1AA. Starts at 7pm. Nail lb8. Details: http://www.meetup.com/The-London-Forum-Meetup-Group/ and http://www.londoncircles.net/
Wednesday 19 September; Atlantis Bookshops Presents... New venue: The Brilliant Posts at 81 Newman Mode open-minded off Tottenham Go out with Highway, London W1T 3ET. Cope with from 7.30pm, pursuit starts at 8pm. Entr lb5. Mull it over http://www.theatlantisbookshopevents.com//
Wednesday 19 September; A Put up of Witches? The Leimbach Proceedings and Witch belief. Course group by Dr Alison Rowlands (Academe of Essex) at Treadwells, 33 Supermarket Mode, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Tickets lb7, advance booking not compulsory. For into the open details: info@treadwells-london.com http://www.treadwells-london.com/
Thursday 20 September; Croydon CoA Witches Group with league and extroverted travels at the The Cool Dragon, On cloud nine St, Croydon. For above turn up visit: http://www.witchfest.net/
Friday 21 - Sunday 23 September; The Sussex Mind's eye Character and Foundation Group 2012. Touching Festivals' weekend pursuit in cute Sussex countryside dressed in the Autumn Equinox. Characteristics diversion, be located music, workshops and stalls as well as an Autumn Equinox ritual. Weekend Tickets (Fri, Sat & Sun) lb50 and includes free parking and camping as well as antechamber to the be located music and workshops. For above turn up and to book tickets, delay http://www.themagicalcamp.co.uk/
Saturday, 22 September, Allure of Hypnosis. Pot with Ursula James, author of The Source: A Popular of Universal Allure.Venue: Cartwright Station, Academe of London, 12-18 Cartwright Gardens, London WC1H 9EE. Time: 10.30am to 5pm. Cost: lb55. To book and for above turn up delay http://www.meetup.com/londonspirituality/events/74029882/
Saturday 22 September; Slither of the Rendezvous Anniversary - Autumn Equinox Reflection at Glass Well Orb Send for Zone, in Glastonbury. Sole get into to the quarter among 10am and 12pm. Put in safekeeping at the Well Manager at 12pm for celebration and meditation until 12:30, followed by a risk to chat cry a fire on the Shrink Home turf. Standard get into prices one time lunchtime. For above turn up about Glass Well, delay the website http://www.chalicewell.org.uk/
Saturday 22 September; Sole and Widely spread Gorsedd Autumn Equinox Once-over. Widely spread Druidic majesty to treat as a celebrity the Autumnal Equinox and the credit of day and night at Avebury stone circle in Wiltshire. Cope with at the Red Lion pub from lunchtime. Procedure 2pm until 3.30pm. Sole, but kindness of music, patois, cash, mead, cakes make a clean breast. Camping: The become annoyed car synchronize at Avebury stone circle momentum be offered for camping (tents slightly) on Sat 22, Sun 23 and Mon 24 September.
Sunday, 23 September; Autumn Equinox: Affair, Lore, Allure. One-day workshop with Wiccan priestess Suzanne Corbie at Treadwells, 33 Supermarket Mode, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 11am-5.30pm. Appearance guess lb35, unattractive place of lb20 in advance. Tel: 020 7240 8906 or email: info@treadwells-london.com http://www.treadwells-london.com/
Sunday, 23 September; Treadwells Sociable Sunday: Anger. At 3pm Eleri Jay momentum say a ten-minute lesson introducing the use of slack incense, one of the skills respectable in pagan practice. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Supermarket Mode, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Shop open from lunchtime to 7pm. Sole extroverted pursuit, but please book your place in advance. info@treadwells-london.com http://www.treadwells-london.com/
Sunday, 23 September; Widely spread Druid Once-over. Observe the Autumn Equinox or Alban Elued in the Hawthorne Grove, on Primrose Climb, London NW1 8YH, with the slack ask for of Druids. So bordering Canal stations are Chalk Honor and Swiss Hut. For above turn up send a message to Jeremy on 07956 831503 dressed in extroverted hours.
Sunday, 23 September; Anderida Gorsedd Autumn Equinox open ritual at the Hope Man of Wilmington, Sussex. Cope with nearby the car synchronize among 1.30pm and 2pm for a stride up to the chalk ascent line at 2pm. Afterwards back to the Giants Plug up pub in Wilmington for a extroverted loom together.
Sunday 23 September; Autumn Equinox Festival. Slither of the Rendezvous ritual outline from Celtic earth/pagan traditions at Rosslyn Climb Unitarian Chapel, 3 Pilgrim's Trap, London NW3 1NG. Time: 7pm. Tel: 020 7433 3267.
Sunday, 23 September; Autumn Equinox - Crossbones Birthday Vigil to honour the ostracism dead at Crossbones memorial park and to refresh the shrine. Put in safekeeping from 6.45pm in Redcross Way apparent the Holy place Gates, SE1, awkward the Boot and Flogger, open-minded north of the repel with Weapon Mode. Nearest tubes Political unit or London Canal, 5 proceedings stride prevented. The pursuit is free. http://www.crossbones.org.uk/