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To form luxury elven spells, use this formula: The provision that the spell draws from, problem and the action verb or span. Or, The provision that powers the spell and the action you ultimatum the provision to do.
Aile ailine ailo aire aina aksa ambarta = water spell
Aile ailine ailo aire aina aksa amlug = water dragon
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya ambarta = luminous light
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya amlug = dragon of light
Aile ailine ailo aire aina aksa andamunda = water giant
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya andamunda = light giant
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya ango angwi = water weave
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya aara = pretend dawn - kills vampires
Anar anaroore anrrima ainator maa = hand of god spell - as in chance
Anar anaroore anrrima anarya ankalima alka = beam spine that kills shadows
Anar hui lusta palla men hui = wall dark that causes shadows
ambar aire anar nulla urwa wilma kelva tulka = heal wounds
ambar aire anar nulla urwa nu kelva tulka = heal hard-wearing sin
ambar aire anar nulla urwa nu wilma kelva tulka assare = heal bones
ilya quanta kelva tulka harwe ilya-ser = group heal
ambar noore kelva tulka noore = patch up land
ambar aire anar nulla urwa wilma nu qualme = dedicate death and grief
ambar aire anar nulla urwa qualme tulka = multiplication dead
ambar aire anar nulla urwa nu wilma quaame = dedicate poisoning
ambar aire anar nulla urwa nu wilma quaame tulka = medication venom
ambar quende aire fyria nu urwa wilma wili = make fly(curve)
ambar quende aire fyria nulla nu karka loomin = make dimness or shadow
ilya karka ava-ainu firya loomin = sag (souless human shadow)
ilya ilfirin = immortal
ilya istya = all sophisticated or powerword knowledge
ilya tiuya mii vanwe venwe = no fat or reduce fat
ilya maka = powerword post
ilya kuile = powerword liveV
ilya fuume = powerword nap
ilya osse parka = melting mist or dangerous floppy
ilya mart-onta = bring about item
ilya onta suhto = bring about squeeze
ilya onta yaave = bring about fruit
ilya onta apsa = bring about fit to be eaten food
ilya uu = release
ilya uu-ilya = release all
ambar wilma putta = wad
arda venie = earth taste
tanya arda siirima karka venie = lava elemental
tanya venie = fire elemental
wista venie = air elemental
helke venie = ice elemental
neen venie = water elemental
lusta venie = fault elemental
kuru venie = magic elemental
ilya uuve alma = get amusing
ilya ainu maka = spurt spirit
undume valasse uumea X = banish or bias on show
undume valasse uumea X ainu = banish spirit
undume valasse uumea X osse = atrociousness banish or banish marvel
lusta kara na = make be
elda firya nisse neer lav-na = make surrendering or make endowment
ilya varya si basis = protection of one
ilya varya limbe = protect profuse
lusta arda tanya wista helke neen kuru varya = all element protection
lusta merke tarne ter lin-tinko = spill at the same time as clanging fit
lusta merke firya lav-na na sermo = turn enemy, wierd counterspell or friend spell
lusta firya lav-na na serme = girlfriend spell
aule arda tanya wista neen kuru kelva tulka si aule = fix creativity
arda tanya wista helke neen kuru kelva tulka si kar = fix spot
oor firya elda uu-or = still impression
anka firya lusta kelva tulka anta anka uu-nwalya = laid-back teeth and gum patch up
anka firya lusta uu-nwalya = reduce tribulation
lusta tol noore-ti Oo hwesta varna raane firya elda = klondike security travel
ilya varna horta nan-luume raane = slacken time travel
ilya varna horta il-nan-luume raane = backward time travel
ilya ilya kelva kotumo nuru = wierd spell (spurt all enemies)
ilya wista kalina wili lutu-kalina = featherfall
wista neen ilya kelva poika amba uu-saura = clean all
ilya kelva poika amba ilya saura lanne = auto clean clothes
wista neen poika lanne tanya kelva uu-saura wista = good smell or place of favorite air
wista helke lusta sinome na en = teleport (be inclined to on appearing in place)
wista helke lusta en na sinome = impact happening (be inclined to of thing or mortal)
luume lusta helke putta luume = time wad (no endeavors lob)
lusta neen il-putta nan-luume = continue time slacken
lusta neen il-putta uu-nan-luume = continue time backward
ilya nuquerna naikelea kara = reverse fit or pain
aule lusta karne horta = acceleration up plan
aule firya horta nan-luume = acceleration time slacken
aule firya horta il-nan-luume = acceleration time back
aule lusta hir-si mi si = find this
aule lusta firya un-lenka nan-luume = sleepy time slacken
aule lusta firya un-lenka uu-nan-luume = sleepy time back
aule lusta uu-urys-et-aule = anti-burnout
onna lusta aule kuile yar-suk onna uumea X = bias on show parasites, lice or ticks
olva aule kuile uumea X onna uu-nosta = creature anti-birth or anti-fertility
ilya nuquerna naikelea kara = reverse fit or pain
ilya wista kalina wili lutu-kalina = featherfall
ondo aule wista lusta tanwe varna tarna tere sarna = passageway through stone
nat aule wista lusta tanwe varna tarna tere sarna = passageway through bits and pieces
ilya firya uu-na kena si er = invisibility
ilya firya uu-na kena ilya-dil = collect invisibility
kuuma kuuma kelva yar-suk onna misjudge nuru = spurt all parasites and eggs (personalized wierd spell)
kuuma sanye firya elda fainu-il-sanye = untie from shady aggravation
aule kara-suule kuuma kara-oore-lapse nuru yar-suk onna = auratically spurt all parasites and eggs or vampiric creatures
aule kuuma il-aule = release curse or creativity
lusta kuuma na si er = spiteful spurt
ilya lusta ambar uur kara-suule noa faina = dedicate effect to be prepared by tongue it
ilya lusta ambar uur kara-suule faina = dedicate effect to be prepared from the air of secrecy and your suspicion that you ultimatum to become visible
ilya lusta ambar uur tengwa faina = dedicate effect from writings
ilya lusta ambar kara-suule hauta = terminate effect by air of secrecy