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Saturday 4 May 2013

Imbolc Feast Light

Imbolc Feast Light
(By: Titania Morgay)

If Candlemas day be fair and bright,
Winter will have another flight.
If Candlemas day clouds and rain,
Winter is gone, and will not come again.
- E. Holden

The time has come to call and welcome the forces of light!

Candlemas or Imbolc is the mid point of the dark half of the year. We welcome the rebirth and awakening of the Earth, the earliest beginnings of Spring.

Through Pagan lore, we learn that the Sun God, who is now a young boy, is beginning to feel his growing powers through the renewing energies of the Sun, represented in the lengthening in the daylight hours. The Goddess is awakening from her slumber and rest after giving birth to the
God/Child at Yule. She is represented in the Maiden aspect of the triple Goddess. The awakening of the Goddess/Earth, causes germination of seeds and development of buds on the trees, as the powers of the Sun begin to warm and renew the earth. A celebration of fertility.

Traditionally, Imbolc is a time to prepare for the goals one wishes to accomplish in the coming months, and to clarify and redefine our personal projects which were begun at Yule. the fires of Imbolc represent our personal illumination and inspiration, a celebration of ideas yet to be born. Imbolc has also become a time for new initiations into covens, self-dedication, and renewal of our bows. It is also a time for purification of oneself.

The colors for Imbolc are lavender, white and pink. Herbs include
Heliotrope, Carnation, Poppy, Basil and Violet. Stones used for this celebration may include Amethyst for peace of mind or jet for
heightened intuition and inner sight.

Offerings of cakes and wine may be presented to the Lord and Lady, to seek their assistance in helping to ignite your creative fires and energy.

May the fires of Imbolc burn brightly within all of you throughout the coming year!

Source: candle-magic.blogspot.com