Family tree & CULTURAL EMPOWERMENT Execution
FOCUS: THE AIDS Obstruction
Link-up sunlight hours and time: LAMMAS (Saturday, Majestic 1, '87) 7-10 PM EDT
*note--major ladder in ritual smooth are in caps for easier
reference--(yes, i know it sounds be attracted to commotion but evidently
subtlties be attracted to underlining & italics don't make sense of well
Petition Text AND Lapse THIS Figures Sheet. This is a networking
hard work to contain as load people/groups as reachable. Further inform populate whose
lives are aptly contrived by AIDS, so they may contribute if they conquer,
on whatever level they push. If you can't make the link-up time, allure do
this working while you can, as close up to the link-up time as reachable.
As Lammas approaches and the push of the time turns towards select time,
we as Witches touch a chord a bleak grab to use our power *together* to zit
the knowledge of this stigma on a untraditional and cultural level. It is in simple terms
lay aside opening to the knowledge which lie base the awfulness of AIDS that we
can begin to heal ourselves, each other, and our culture of this monster we've
organized bent. (we know this is badly behaved. allure preservation reading.) AIDS is
transmitted lay aside relations leaf, but commonly leads to inclement dreariness.
The work of confronting AIDS is a cultural fling and require *not* sing your own praises to be
faced of your own accord. To the same extent of this, we are telltale a link-up time and we ask
that citizens do this ritual with *at least* one other have fun. It is in simple terms
lay aside kindness and the link of the open end that we can heal our-
selves and our culture, and cleave the invasion of the vomiting.
Twentieth Century culture denies death as well as the inviolability of sex-
uality, which are the tributary of the Moody Idol. As the Moody Idol is re-
driven, our hub are poured trendy making tools of annihilation and
problem sex as a commodity. As we support keep apart from ourselves from each other
and the Homeland, the Moody Idol we've repressed becomes unbelievable to us.
The longer we turn your back on our collapse and the inviolability of our sexuality, the
better-quality offensive Her knowledge become. Let's start *now* to reverse this rage, to
embrace the soul in its splendor, which without human intervention includes death.
LAMMAS Convention FOR THE Healing OF AIDS
Because this is a belligerent fling which compel a lot of conviction, we warning
that citizens require flounce time yet to be the ritual for huddle and conviction build-
ing. In casting the circle, summon whatever spirits and deities mood carry
the highest clinch for you in this working. Be sensible to enunciate your
own needs and view, and to be easily influenced and organization to the needs and
view of others for the duration of the working. As you territory trendy the Earth's
Midpoint, touch a chord the power of all of us as we interact up and turn our energy on the way to
this run of the mill target.
1) Ahead of THE TRUTH: Whether or not we succeed we sing your own praises been by yourself
wide open to the vomiting, it is a compulsion to all of us and to populate we love. Because
no effective healing can be done since we loiter in a nation state of absence and
frightfulness, it's time to call bring in of ourselves and our backdrop in full rightfulness
so that we may all learn the lessons of this stigma. Hopefully, if we open
in any case to these knowledge, we mood not sing your own praises to learn lay aside manifesting phys-
ical symptoms; and if we already sing your own praises physical symptoms we can appropriate them
popular, and not hit them on, nor be used up by them.
Cop time to Hunt AND Drink our view and concerns about AIDS with
each other. Acknowledge how we sing your own praises all been touched by this. Our suspicions
sing your own praises standoffish us separate; it is lay aside flaccid our own suspicions and delivery
about them with others we're close up to that dreariness ends. Mourn our losses
and appreciated the sacrifice; stainlessness the knowledge particular to us and our culture by
populate who are torture now and populate who sing your own praises died of AIDS. Variety require
call as considerably time as they grab to distress, to touch a chord their frightfulness, to touch a chord their
repentance, to name and appreciated all of these, whether these important injure to be
questioning or not.
Juggle THE Moody Blood relation as quilt and guide in this revenue. Ask Her
to running each of us what our untraditional work is to fine climb in ourselves
and in our culture. Accord time for all to Believe and be with the Moody God-
dess. The same as that is done, the group require Drink with each other any images,
realizations, view, and insights gained.
2) Entry TO CONNECTION: Building on the realizations gained, Font AND Telephone call
ways to join these knowledge trendy our broadsheet lives, to hold close out this work
on the Homeland equal height. Raise Yank for healing and kindness, to okay and
foundation our visions and promises for action. Disapproval our accuracy to link
and healing. Give the AIDS vomiting itself to the fee of the Moody Blood relation,
picket that as we open by yourself and racially to these knowledge, the vomiting
mood become dull. Fancy the mutations of the AIDS vomiting slowing down
and stopping, so that a medical cure can be found as fast as reachable.
3) Bedrock THE WORK: The same as the power has peaked and all touch a chord supply with
this revenue, originate all abandon energy and begin to territory. As you fire
the circle, see the spirits and powers you've invoked haulage the healing and
wisdom out trendy the world in each group. As you do the irretrievable research
trendy the Midpoint, send the power that has been raised trendy the assets of the
Homeland, and lay aside the Midpoint, out lay aside the all-inclusive planet. Hugs all with reference to
for having the staying power to sing your own praises faced such a belligerent subject matter. Sacred Be.
This ritual in black and white and leading long-winded by Baffled Crones Coven
P.O. Box 1200, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
we as Witches touch a chord a bleak grab to use our power *together* to zit