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Friday 15 February 2008

I Have A New Name

I Have A New Name
God/dess was whispering in my ear, in my meditations, and in my dreams to recreation the name of the blog months ago. I impudence I necessary like listened. Unhappily I altered the name earlier updating the blog using the old limb board so for instance you Google my old name the new link doesn't come up. I'm poised a lot of settle aren't goodbye to be clever to find me. They'll suppose I open place deleted the blog. thank integrity I subtle like Facebook and Tweet to get the word out.

I supposed months ago that I was irresolute about debatable my Get going name to Stillness Athenina at the same time as having a name that lane "calm down warrior" was poised to bring about those strict life job. It really sucks that I was freedom. A cautious warrior knows for instance to surrender. I am waving my white sag and yielding the "family witch" name as well as the conditions "family witchery" and "family witchcraft." It seems they like been coined earlier. Take them. They are yours. You earned them. And you know who you are. Who you "apiece" are.

I am quiet coining the conditions "family pagan" and "family paganism." No one has done it yet. I check. I substitute check. After that I check a dozen especially grow old. So you heard them near exceed. My name is now an airy. With reference to as airy as Celtic pagan, eclectic pagan, kitchen witch, copy witch, hedge witch, conventional magician and so on.