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Monday 16 January 2012

Some Lulu Press Books

Some Lulu Press Books Image
One of the most frequent questions around is what kind of spell books are the best and where to find recipe books that will tell you how to make good incenses, magical oils and powders.

So, I will give some tips about a few less known books on the subject that I have found to be excellent.

They are all written by Draja Mickaharic, whom some of you might have encountered before through his excellent books on Spiritual Cleansing and numerous other magical subjects. He is probably the most underestimated magical writers of our time and catherine yronwood - the founder of the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. - once said that "He is the one of the most gifted conjurors I have ever met". In other words; his books is not bad.

The following books should be bought at Lulu Press, to make sure the main bulk of the money goes to someone taking care of the author himself and not to the publishing company.

First out is a book titled:

"A Magical Pie".

Underneith this anonymous title you will find professional instructions on how to use a variety of divinatory tools, several spells of unusual but very useful kind and excellent notes on techniques suited for a professional conjuror. The price for downloading this book is rediculous compared to the usefulness of the content; EUR 11.12 (98 kr). The price is almost insultingly low, but perhaps this shows a bit of how much money usually taken by the big publishing companys.

Second book out is:

"Materia Magica".

The title speaks for itself, but perhaps one has to be a bit experienced to know the content of such a title. If you are interested in magical herbs, recipe collections and magical products this book should be a part of your collection. Besides this it will give the reader a good look into the products usually found in an American Botannica (a store for magical practitioners within Latinamerican magical traditions) and how to make the equivalents yourself. This book is probably not the first one a beginner would buy. But if it was they would at least start with some of the best magical recipets out there. The price is equally rediculously low: 13 EURO. (120 sp"ann). If this is something you would buy then click the picture above and and get it from the best source now.

The third, and last book in this collection of high quality magical books is probably the most controversial in its content;

"Magical Spells of the Minor Prophets".This book may sound like a dry expos'e of biblical magic and historical excerpts from the old testament. But it is definetly not. This is probably the most comprehensive and useful book on cursing and punishing wrongdoers that exist on the international market today. It is packed with spells of a traditional cut - the use of powders, footprints, incenses and incantations. The methods are simple and effective. If christianity does not scare you and if you occasionally wish you had a few good tricks up your sleeve to put an end to abuse and wrongdoing- this book will will suit your needs. Even though I do like all of Drajas books and know of the quality of his works, this book actually surprised me. It is not a book for beginners, nor for experienced practitioners. Unless in times of need and distress.

If I knew what this book contained when I bought is, I would have been willing to pay 10 times the amount. Because this kind of material is usually either kept secret within living magical traditions or buried deep in the folkloric archives.The book can be downloaded here or by clicking the picture above. The price is EUR13.51. These three books together is more useful than the complete works of Crowley, Cunningham and 10 other popular authors put together. Now you might be thinking; - Is Johannes selling these books? He is sounding like a commersial. Nope. I'm not selling them and the reason I sound like a commersial is because these books are just that good.