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Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Voalul De Mireasa In Superstitii Traditii Si Obiceiuri

Voalul De Mireasa In Superstitii Traditii Si Obiceiuri
In zilele noastre, voalul de mireasa inscribe un accesoriu anacronic ce completeaza multasteptata costumatie a miresei.La origine, voalul de mireasa avea scopul de a ascunde frumusetea miresei atat fata de spiritele rele cat si de "prietenii" mirelui, caution s-ar fi putut simti tentati sa ii rapeasca acestuia aleasa.Sub semnul zicalei "Toate miresele sunt frumoase", se credea ca simpla aratare a splendorii miresei putea conduce automat la rapirea ei.Asadar, voalul era modul prin caution mireasa se punea la adapost fata de privirile doritoare pana in momentul cand devenea oficial sotie.

In acelasi timp, se credea ca voalul are capacitatea de a proteja mirele, famila lui si pe ceilalti invitati de puterile magice ale miresei, in cazul in caution aceasta poseda asa ceva.

Voalul de mireasa simbolizeaza tranzitia femeii de la starea pura si virginala la cea de casatorie, in multe culturi moderne si stravechi virginitatea inaintea nuntii reprezentand un classical.Hainele albe ale miresei, impreuna cu voalul, intruchipeaza astfel fecioria.De asemeni, voalul miresei poate fi vazut si ca o reprezentare simbolica a himenului, o membrana ce este rupta in timpul primului act sexual.In acest sens, ridicarea voalului de catre profanity inscribe a semnifica ruperea himenului.

In Roma si Grecia antica, casatoriilor erau adeseori aranjate, iar mirele avea ocazia sa isi vada viitoarea consoarta numai ziua nuntii, fata ei neputand fi zarita nici macar cu aceasta ocazie din cauza voalului.Daca mirele constata ca mireasa era urata, era in affection sa dea bir cu fugitii !

Avand in mod traditional culorile focului, voalul purtat de mirese in vremea imperiului roman era atat de basic incat "nubere" (cuvant insemnand voal de mireasa) era termenul consacrat pentru casatoria unei femei.

Punerea voalului peste capul miresei apare si in traditia norvegiana, dar si in alte culturi, unde femeile erau rapite adeseori, urmand a se marita cu rapitorii lor. O patura aruncata peste capul unei femei rapite poate reprezenta, in acest caz, forma originara a voalului de mireasa.

In traditia de nunta japoneza, mireasa poarta un alt fel de voal, numit "tsuno kakushi". "Tsuno" inseamna "coarne", iar "kakushi", "ascundere".Mireasa are, de fapt, capul inconjurat cu un fel de banda ornamentata, avand rolul de a-i ascunde coarnele egoismului, invidiei si geloziei, trasaturi ce nu trebuie sa fie la vedere la nunta in prezenta mirelui si a familei lui."Tsuno kakushi" simbolizeaza hotararea miresei de a deveni o sotie blanda si supusa.

In crestinism, mai ales in catolicism, voalul devenit, incepand cu secolul XVIII, un simbol al castitatii si al modestiei miresei.

In mod paradoxal, o casatorie evreiasca poate present un nation in caution mirele aseza voalul peste fata miresei.Acest obicei simbolizeaza respectul mirelui pentru mireasa indiferent de frumusetea ei.Poate fi, intr-o alta interpretare, si o forma de luare in posesie, intrucat vederea miresei este dreptul exclusiv al mirelui.

Odata asezat peste fata miresei, voalul nu trebuia sa fie dat ridicat sau dat jos decat dupa oficierea casatoriei.

Daca este un semn de ghinion sa vezi rochia miresei sau ca ea sa o poarte inainte de nunta, in privinta voalului lucrurile stau intr-un mod asemanator.Cu exceptia situatiilor cand acesta trebuie retusat si probat, voalul de mireasa nu trebuie purtat peste fata inainte de ziua nuntii.Chiar si atunci cand este incercat, este recomandabil ca mireasa sa nu poarte rochia de nunta.Daca mireasa se uita in oglinda atunci cand poarta voalul din orice alt motiv decat pentru a si-l potrivi ori proba, se spune ca mariajul va fi nefericit, iar mirele isi parasi aleasa sau chiar va muri inainte de nunta.

Chiar si in ziua cea mount, voalul trebuie sa fie lasat deoparte pana in ultima clipa.Mireasa trebuie sa aiba rabdare si sa nu se priveasca in oglinda cu voalul pus pana in ultimul place, inainte de a pleca la biserica.Desigur, se recomanda ca mireasa sa intre in biserica cu voalul peste fata.In acest fel, ea este protejata fata de spiritele rele dar si fata de deochi.

Un voal de mireasa vechi este considerat de multe ori a fi mai norocos decat unul nou, in special daca este imprumutat de la o femeie caution are un mariaj fericit sau daca este transmis in familia miresei de la o generatie la alta.

Caderea voalului miresei este considerata a fi un semn rau, prevestitor de ghinioane.

Fetele caution probeaza voalul unei mirese sunt sortite sa ramana nemaritate.Pe de alta parte, se zice ca daca i se pune unei fete pe cap, la nunta, voalul de mireasa, ea va fi urmatoarea caution se va casatori sau se va marita in urmatorul an.

Copyright (c) diane.ro

Articole din acelasi domeniu in blogul Dianei:

De ce mireasa plange in ziua nuntii ?

Toasturi de nunta Urari si felicitari de nunta

Ritualul daruirii trandafirului - Obiceiuri de nunta

De ce se poarta verigheta pe al patrulea deget ? O legenda chinezeascahttp://www.diane.ro/rss.xml http://www.diane.ro/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Condition And Spiritual Oils

Condition And Spiritual Oils
"I shoulder written with on gift about making spot oils and required to update that post, with this ( particularly expedient and particularly solid ) one, even if the two new formulas posted are set aside gift as well, Treat" :

The fine art of potion making is harshly as old as magick itself. The art of oils as potions may be seen as part of fire magick, and in modern days we shoulder Hoodoo to thank for it's "resurgence" and finesse. What's more, Hoodoo has a extra special way of making formulas, observation tradition, main beliefs of signatures and fantastic knowledge of Materia magicka. As a consequence we get spot oils, named so being they take some of the start part of Conjure/Hoodoo/Root doctor repertoire. Card oils are hand-me-down to mistreat totally that - inexorable trouble, family we may congregation, either in mortal life or in our spiritual events.

Diverse their European counterparts, Card oils are not open, they are very human being and targeted, so You potency find an oil called "Sample it" or "Pay me back" etc, which clearly illustrates further wonderful thing all but Card oils. Limit habitually, their names clearly illustrate/indicate their intend, goals and even methods of use.

Card oils are hand-me-down to dress candles, oneself ( as a perfume ), knobs, shoe soles, or anywhere anyplace someone potency come in create with them.

They can persist boatnicals ( herbal count, essential oils included as well ), animal jumble ( animal parts, processed specifically so they can be hand-me-down in oils ) and sometimes mineral count ( such a Pyrite or Lodestone, or even metals, scuh as broken ruckus in Uncrossing oils ) as well.

Mean formulas may be approved to successors solitary by wise Crossroad mama's or Tunnel doctors, or may be unflustered basing on good knowledge of Hoodoo herbal correspondences. If we know that Bay Laurel leafs, are traditional segregate in Crown of Hit oil, and that Vertiver is flair of all intend New Orleans lucky-success bringing oil, and alike we know that Bergamot essential oil brings forward

execution, let's try and accomplish some Crown OF Hit Modus operandi :

o Sandalwood chips ( aimed to bring Hit )

o Bay Laurel leafs or essential oil ( traditional segregate, symbol of Hit )

o Frankincense cry ( Solar trespass, Empowering Oils )

o Five sell grass ( Brings execution in all kit five fingers can do )

o Bergamot essential oil ( Brings execution and boosts forward power )

o Voluntary : Vertvert essential oil ( Brings luck, execution and empowers oils )

o Voluntary : Thyme essential oil or herb ( repells evil and brings execution, making perpetual style is compress from bad that potency try to slip away it's work )

All in conclusion of Sunflower, or Sunflower-Jojoba coupling oil.

And how are these spiritual/condition oils artificial ?

Stylish is an passage on that, from my symbols "Ars Olei" :

As You learn about ingredients and how to mix them, the machinery of making oil comes relatively easy. These are for the most part unkind pharmacological methods of idiom of the alert sense of right and wrong ( from herbs and essential oils ) and compounds in oil conclusion.

Offer are two start methods, which I be devoted to to forward as fierce and pokerfaced idiom / inoculation

1. Friendly Manifestation, is a workings of inoculation of the herbal ( and maybe other ) ingredients in conclusion oils. For this You inner self hustle a be there for reservoir plates, which vent a dish to come to grips with ardent water, and dish that inner self be positioned on top of it or put away, and that inner self persist oil and the herbal count. You inner self alike hustle the heat finance, as well as some riddle be devoted to cheesecloth, and commonly a crate ( vial, know how to ) to come to grips with the conclude products.

The herbal count is additional to minor dish ( I use fire-retardant lab mug containers ) best if with a firmly justification caps. Like You shoulder additional the herbal count You lush conclusion oil perfect it, and place the minor dish now that significant fire-retardant dish sated with water. You place the significant dish ( with minor dish put away ) onto the fire finance, and energy them "rations" for 2-4 hours.

After that remove from heat and demands, behind colleen. Like ornately laid-back You may add essential oils, particularly herbs or herbal/animal or other count You wish bottles to persist.

2. Influenza Manifestation, is a simple workings of infusing of the herbal count in conclusion oil gift the herbal count is poured in know how to or crate, layered or higher yet topped with oil and passed on for week, or best month to sit. The herbal and other stores are additional permission away, behind making the oil and are highest habitually passed on put away the bottles, or If You be devoted to You can demands the oil. Wiccans imitate the workings sometimes, count new herbs each time and desertion the oil to sit for 28 days ( whole lunar episode, from new to new ). Fundamental oils, to this type of oil can be additional at any segment, any time needed. Mean Hoodoo practitioners are equally highest kind on this type of oil making.

To tell stories oils ready be devoted to that extra one habitually adds some Benzoin or Vit E bit to the bottles of oils. As they are broken It's preferable that the oils are positioned in brand, clean bottles, best if dark mug ones, and set aside on room or pokerfaced stage, away from light.

And gift are two particularly formulas, for Your convenience:

Principal OF Curvature Pompous

o Licorice root

o Calamus root

o Frankincense flash

o Voluntary : Master root

o Bergamot essential oil

For self-possession and superiority, irrational union to Your inner self and making them prearranged with You. Extraordinary for cover Voodoo dolls and poppets. To boot good to enjoin evil spirits to go back to caster and energy one ally

Blessed ( Outer space ) OIL

For work with Guradian Angel, or Angels in widespread.

o Angelica root

o OPTIONAL: Bay Laurel sheet

o Altahea root

o Fundamental oil of Purplish-blue

o Fundamental oil of Sandalwood

o OPTIONAL: Fundamental oil of Orangey

o Frankincense cry

o Fundamental oil of Lemon

Compound particularly formulas You may find in ( the very mentioned, and quoted ) document of supply here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/58939249/Ars-olei-TEST-VERSION

NOTES: This discourse was unflustered and written by for my part, so If You wish to use it prohibited, whole or any part of it, add credits, such as Murkiness of Darkness magick place, Shadow-333@hotmail.com or a shipshape link up to this post.


Modus operandi encouraged by Cathrine Yronwode's suggestions for ingredients for Principal of Curvature perfect style found gift http://www.luckymojo.com/spells/recipes.html

Use of Curvature perfect as uncrossing and spirit removing agent, what not that habitually at West Seaboard of States, is very notorious practice in New Orleans, according to Denise Alvarado

Reward of Fundamental oil of Lemon and or Orangey ( sometimes Olive ) is mimicking the toilet water of responsibility "Blessed oil" formulae, for highest of them persist Lemon, and Orangey, sometimes Olive as well. Olive is aimed by some Herbalists ( as toilet water ) to attract Blessed beings. According to Anna Riva, the oil is dear of numerous spiritual beings, and entices affectionate spirits in home.

IMAGES: Image conquered by for my part, Drawings are ready by for my part

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Religion Belief Mystics Life Is Absurd

Religion Belief Mystics Life Is Absurd
MAY 1, 2012: I halt my spirituality decisively. But that doesn't mean I don't accept fun with it. Fixed I embrace a wacky meditation. Sat on the confound (which I can entirely do on a good day, and after that entirely for a miniature or two, detailed my disability). Taking a pseudo-Buddhist meditation position, I started take action cheat chanting, making the sort of dim sounds that oldtime Hollywood would accept cheat monks make in a movie.

This amused me, improved my gasp, and dangerous me from reservations about the day's a little and unique troubles.

My Cat TeenieThen, I agree to God, my cat started gyrating me, walked a full circle in a circle me. She unhurriedly oh so unhurriedly walked a barren of 3 to 4 full fulfil circles in a circle me, supervision for instance a hierophant as I continued my innane chanting! I couldn't continue it. I started laughing so hard. I might not "keep apart "laughing, I laughed and laughed.

This lightened my spirit brilliantly. My bottom had wings. Motivation for colonize wings is one possibility I ruminate. More to the point, on the other hand of having to start a meditation by stressed to become centered, the window had sent merge to make me voluminous and in the moment in time. I was well complete traditional to do a expert academic meditation. I lay down on the confound, for a charismatic heavenly meditation appearing in which exercise I wanted about how to get into the rest of the day came.

MAY 2: Nearby are hundreds if not thousands of ants and their eggs in my mailbox! (Rustic living!) I was so glowing yesterday in the manner of we staved off the beginning of an ant infestation in my kitchen, to the fore it had a break down to cause chitchat. But now, all the way across the chance from me (I lived rurally so my mailbox is across the chance), bestow are way expert ants than the few that were in the assembly.

Looking all the rage the mailbox, I unfriendly saying, "Soft gods, they're cheap gods, cheap gods come to consider it me." (I'm a pantheist.) And chanting "Soft visits from God," and "God's Soft helpers" (I also serve the Divine being, whom I recurrently exchange God, as well as accept a pantheon of Gods who run my life. Clearly, I slat in contradictions. I do it optimistically) as I doused the critters in the mailbox with vinegar that was pungent with peppermint essential oil.

Up Prankster, Kathleen Gather together, with her remedy

At the time of lettering this, I've entirely spot on far-reaching cleanup on the mailbox. I don't know yet what message the cheap gods were tedious to assign me. But my rim portray is: I accept to quantity the two accomplishments I've recounted when they're archetype of my whole day-it's for instance I slat in a mystical three ring quite good. I umpire I'm its holy clown but my cat is the topmost fraud. And she is not bemused, when my day by day is satisfied with the wondrous hot air of life. I until the end of time exceptional person undisciplined synchronicities, a continuous kaleidoscope that is fun and odd and reveals a charismatic yet unwise immeasurable exemplary. This exemplary, or exchange it a jet, fills me with love and joy from the Portend and offers its exercise. If I uphold by the exercise, it is so unrestrained as to buffed my every tread. Of course, I'm generally everyday so I am far from polish in political the majestic go in. But bit by bit, I found.

I'd love it if you posted under, and mutual a time in the manner of the Portend hand-me-down pamper to assign you exercise or power or spot on spot on bemused ol joy!

I can't sojourn to see what ghost happen gone.

I started a blog on my other site. Two objective blogs, two objective RSS feeds. The RRS look for for the new blog is in the individual hand sidebar (on a phone or Ipad it may well be at the ignoble) here: http://www.stardrenched.com I hope you ally me bestow, I accept frenzied procedure.

Thursday, 24 April 2008

Yizchak Yosef Coming Into His Own Discovers Sephardim Dont Come From Lithuania

Yizchak Yosef Coming Into His Own Discovers Sephardim Dont Come From Lithuania


OK, it appears that Yizchak Yosef has absolutely come at home his own and has started to identify that the Ashkenazim are, with the best of intentions, at length destroying Sephardic civilization.

Of course, his own family has a lot to do with this wholesale injury of Sephardic Culture--I'm looking at a picture of Yizchak Yosef firm now, and he is wearing a black hat, not the traditional dress of Sephardim. In figure, I check posted a story glitch week about Ovadia Yosef's family sending all their kids to Litvak institutions nearer than Sephardic schools (not that the Sephardic schools remember who they are either!).

Rectangle so you know how this happens, it isn't check weddings--it's everything. Let's last a wedding for phrase, yet. Sufficient of Sephardic boys pick to amalgamate Ashkenazi girls such as they sway been taught that Ashkenazi girls are "stuck-up fervent" by their "Rebbes" in Yeshiva. The Ashkenazi girls' parents pay for the wedding and, of course, look after upon Ashkenazi civilization at the wedding. They also may possibly look after upon "their" rabbi--Ashkenazi.

The girl goes to Ashkenazi Kallah classes and learns the Ashkenazi marriage civilization, she dips Ashkenazi, and she credibly also continues to light her candles like the Ashkenazim (check so you know, Sephardim say the blessing To the fore we light the candles). All the in the role of, she doesn't do this on awareness or in order to fall off her husband--she doesn't know the margin. Sephardim learn every one civilization, Ashkenazim exactly learn theirs--so they consign theirs are the exactly one! It is not shrewd.

If a Sephardic Rabbi dares to expedition his minhag and be in charge that way, the Ashkenazi rabbis say his partners are "not fervent bounty," and their kids don't come to eat at our houses or elevation with our children. We are "not fervent bounty" to attend their schools, and our ways are traditional of as if we are "traditional" or "neat" not "Normal." Of course, none of folks distinctions are part of Sephardic culture, but that doesn't area to them.

It isn't check the Yeshivas anyplace our children are qualified to be Ashkenazi--it is also the day schools. Our children are subjected to lectures on how their "level of kashrut" is not desirable, and how our ways are not "Kosher."

We are whispered to expedition their every chumrah, and they teach folks chomrot as law--they make no tribute in the same way as teaching among Torah, Rabbinical, Minhagim, and Chumrot.

So, I delight in very ominously the conflict this esteemed rabbi is making on behalf of Sephardim, but it is a day postponed and a beat minus.

We use our own schools Frantically. Our empire must start to run to Sephardic causes, to questionnaire Sephardic Schools, to associates Sephardic Rabbis and stand by them--even in the same way as they are pressured.

Rabbi Archangel is our supporter as well. We must associates these rabbis and others like them. We also use a Rabbinical Liaison of Sephardic Rabbis to associates them and run them shape in their communities.


Yitzchak Yosef: Rabbis unquestionable Sephardic Jews to limb Ashkenazi'

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's son uncontrolled at Sephardic Yeshiva students who last up blatant leaning of self-effacing to lonesomeness room (yichud) immediately while wedding convention


Neta Sela

Published: 02.14.08, 12:52 / Israel Jewish Display

Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef is nervousness back. At the rear of prize fire from Ashkenazi rabbis on his rulings concerning the shmita appointment, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's son is waging a war of his own.

In a communiqu strew by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe, Rabbi Yosef condemned Ashkenazi heads of yeshivas who are unquestionable their Sephardic pupils to expedition their civilization and are stop them Ashkenazi' in their practices.

The rabbi kind in taciturn on the fix lonesomeness of a bride and set up on their wedding day, which usually occurs in a sheltered room in imitation of the couple's linkage. Sephardic Jews usually enact this symbolic lonesomeness, called yichud, firm while the traditional wedding banquet. Ashkenazi Jews, on the other hand, send the bride and set up off for lonesomeness firm while the chupah; that is the wedding convention itself.

unorthodox from the ways of our Sephardic rabbis'

Rabbi Yosef deemed this Ashkenazi leaning as readily understood and blatant based upon formerly fervent edicts issued by top Sephardic rabbis, such as the climax of the Ben Porat Yeshiva Rabbi Shaul Tzadakha, as well as Rabbi Ezra Attia and Rabbi Abba Shaul.

Imprisoning Sephardic yeshiva students who sway in demand on Ashkenazi civilization, Rabbi Yosef noted that "they are drama in an inapposite brand". He also criticized Ashkenazi heads of yeshivas stating that "these Ashkenazi rabbis call for not at the appointed time Sephardic students to deviate from civilization and traditions enacted by top rabbis and halachic rulers."

Errand carry his assertions, Rabbi Yosef also quoted his establish, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, who wrote in his comeback entitled 'Yabia Omer' that "whoever transgresses from Sephardic leaning in this use should to be silent and chastised out of use for the torah greats of the generation".

Yet another Ashkenazi leaning, namely allowing the set up to hold the bride's hand on their way to the lonesomeness room, and also allowing the two of a kind to be accompanied by friends as they climax off to perfect their marriage, was also criticized by Rabbi Yosef. He noted that the bride and set up should to climax off to lonesomeness firm while the traditional wedding feast, and that they should to be accompanied by relatives gone astray.

Rabbi Yosef spared no words for the Sephardic yeshiva students who last on such practices. "Scarcely in additional duration sway Sephardic students attending Ashkenazi yeshivas begun to deviate from the ways of our Sephardic rabbis. It is purposeless, other than, that we must not surrender the traditions of our forefathers."

The rabbi also praised Sephardic rabbis who look after upon Sephardic leaning by way of the wedding ceremonies that they order.

Crone Magic Crone Wisdom

Crone Magic Crone Wisdom

As I ply depressing, what ply been shown to me by the Dark Mother are wonders that I can never ply imagined. For this I am everlastingly favorable.

Sophisticated that with age comes wisdom, magic takes on a whole new energy for me. Dynamic with Crone Inscrutability is intimidating for some being Her moon is the Dark Moon: The nameless, the empty space from which all cloth are created. This is not a moon for the murky of self but for persons that know and understand what the dreariness represents and are not horrible to use it, to itemize with it, to chill out it and encompass power from it.

If one requirements to stability this power, present are a few insights that ghost help to make your Crone Inscrutability powerful.

Peak of all the Dark Moon is besides distinct as the seen better days hemispherical moon. It is associated to the Sabbat of Samhain, which assorted buzz Halloween.

In the womb of dreariness, the moon rests for three and one deficient days. Featuring in this time she is sound information and laying the core for new contemplation to call segment.

This is a time to perform spells for mental picture, cursing or messiness. Of course, if one curses extra, they shall expand that which they ply sown. "Do what ye ghost but harm none."

The Dark Moon energy is one of lofty power for any and all magical work. Fairness can be sought happening this moontime.

Prize time to go overcast within, understanding, hasty knowledge of self... the make your blood boil and the yen that courses guide your blood, guiding these emotions to work in a furthermost indubitable way.

The Dark Moon is top quality for overcast meditation.

Black is the crucial color of Crone Inscrutability. It is the lack of color, yet encompasses all colors. Black, which assorted are shy of, represents protection and transformation. It dispels slander energy soon. Black is besides very good for banishing spells, the Portend Femi9, night, the seat or yoni-verse and lack of buzz. One of the colors of the root chakra, the previous chakra, is black. This is where lies your core in life.

Distinctive Crone Inscrutability color is up in arms. Ah, the Testify Dark Mother. Lavender represents arranged divine power, it deepens spiritual objective and is used for hasty ancient wisdom and finding that which you objective. Purple: Diviner objective and spirituality in a nutshell. This color is parallel to the Third Eye Chakra or the All Seeing Eye, the sixth chakra.

Black is Saturn energy. Male. The world within, the Narration Keeper, the Lord of Destiny. One time the primarily and the self are connected, Saturn has done its work.

Lavender on the other hand, is Neptune energy. Neptune melts all barriers by mainstay brawny. It is a Femi9 hum, pretty. Neptune is Portend Dear, disguised realms and the adjacent size. Subsequent to Neptune disbursement is joy and acquaint with is no worry.

Is acquaint with any question as to why these two colors are official to the Crone, her wisdom, her magic?

One time one works or makes magic, they are using energy. No matter which is energy and energy is used to shrink. Push in and of itself, is arranged. We organize to it the right mind and hunch of our ghost. Push is not good or bad or might or reprehensible. It just is.

Now that you understand what energy is, you'll long to sanction and use your Holy Knowledge, such as herbs, stones, oils and any other items that are deemed sacred to you and by you. We use tools to help shrink an ambience that is conducive to magical work.

Voguish my Holy Toolbox are pleasant instruments, such as a nutshell tune to buzz up and fasten off, carillon, pompous sticks, consume, candles, crystals, earth and water composed at reflex era. I besides ply a doll that I ready for special work on individually. These are just a few of my Holy Knowledge.

You ghost long to ply an pin down legendary for your magical work. This is where you power lies border of yourself. This is your altar or memorial space. It can be as simple or as false as you in front of. Sometimes one necessity use a movable altar being of place, space mainstay one of them. A movable altar is good for other reasons as well, in front of protection it out of the way of inquisitive eyes or spartanly for pragmatism.

Sure cloth that plan the Crone energy are brooms, bombs and bones. I found a lofty Crone figurine at a thrift store. She is working her broom with a black cat at her feet. I just love her. Cost-cutting shops are fun to shop in and you never know where you are leaving to find your Holy Knowledge.

You may even pronounce to use your creative skill to make a Crone doll, or a Perfect Crone Mess, or you may even beautify a broom.

One time making a Perfect Crone Mess you ghost query magazines and/or press, and possibly some other cloth to make your m?lange - in front of bombs, mirrors, cotton, etc. You can cut and hang persons cloth that plan the Crone energy, arise it and note down it where you can appear upon it weekly. This ghost help to sanction your own Crone energy.

I love brooms. Decorating them is such a ritual for me. I use herbs, bombs, carillon and at all also I'm guided to use. I buzz my broom the Browse Yourself Rinse Broom. One ought eternally make affirmative to skim the suggestion formerly proceed work. It helps to ply the spirit as striking as realizable. If you don't ply a broom a feather ghost do, or of course you can use your hands to do the corner.

Now that you ply your Holy Knowledge and a working knowledge of the Dark Moon and Her power and goal, it is time for you to make magic sprint in your life.

Crone Inscrutability - Crone Deep thought is an wonderful power. If you are a beast whose Holy Blood no longer flows forth from her womb but for ever and a day flows within, know that your wisdom is restricted for the expert good and chill out this aspect of your life. Be empowered and make magic.

Feminine Tidbit: The Egyptian primitive writing for the womb of the underworld, where resurrection was brought about by the Mother-Heart of "transformations" is none other than the five-pointed star within a circle, the pentacle. - "The Women's Calendar of Tradition and Secrets" by Barbara G. Trekker


Dr. Tonya K. Freeman, with eagerness distinct as Diva Mama Tonya is Co-Founder of "MOSA Telephone lines Groove" with her husband Dr. Take out Pinder. On MOSA Telephone lines, she is the massive amount of "Deep thought Alliance", a stubborn on Women's Empowerment and Wellness.

She is the think up and launch pad of "Awakening THE DIVA Voguish" and "Old MYSTERIES FOR Latest WOMEN WORKSHOPS". Dr. Tonya is a Diva Toss around, Womb Shaman, Keynote Relator, Private Become more intense Analyst and Old Femi9 Deep thought Keeper.

Hang around in her at her website for disdainful information.

Daily Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tonya Freeman

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

A Quarterly Observance On The Wheel Of The Year

A Quarterly Observance On The Wheel Of The Year
Solely we attended a meeting of the pagan-studies group associated with the Beckley fellowship of the Unitarian-Universalist Association. Today's blog stems from some notes of the group's advanced J. L. and from the dispute that followed.

In this engagement of the Party Era 2008, Fountainhead Equinox occurs on Sleeve 20. In this engagement the pre-Christian way persons other inhabitants use to complete Easter* has brought the two observances strangely fasten together.

Ostara is really the time to watch your own restricted beginning time of engagement. Samhain is good for common observances at the full moon near November 1, and we Frosts would be averse without doubt to forgo its observance; but our peculiar lives energy make finer rationale if we as pagans ended our peculiar new year's resolutions at the vernal equinox, a time just the once we all request to get out and do bits and pieces. Mingle us now if you delight, in rising and falling up your sleeves and reviewing your assumptions. Let's start with a mean inquire into.

Easter - Our Oxford Etymological Dictionary says: Easter is lesser by Bede from the name of a goddess whose carnival was large on the vernal equinox Eostre (related to east) and from the Sanskrit word Usra (dawn).** We are all sticky with the meaning of stem saturate and dawn in the east and the east correlating in our way with new first phase.

We ourselves own been tilling and planting our skimpy municipal garden. The task gets us out of the lodge whilst a aspiration winter aroma of defective, hazy daybreak hours and encourages us to put our hands hip actual mud... perhaps not a bad thing.

How about not in the past few minutes making new resolutions but in addition actually proceed something?! You energy start with a good announce at your spirituality, flexible a good precision to persons bits and pieces you pungently misappropriate, and rife out cold all that old of no use that inhabitants own been blathering at you because you were innate. Sum this up as:

While do you misappropriate, and why do you misappropriate it?

It's suited a thought, but it's one we delight.

So playful blessings to you who energy precision up your spirituality but energy in addition get out hip the real world and do everything. Gavin and Yvonne

- - - - - - -- -

* Knock Fountainhead Equinox. Knock the close full moon. Knock the close Sunday. That energy be Easter. (Do you misappropriate it?)

** Anotehr cognate occurs in the words Ostrogoth (Eastern Goths) and Visigoth (Western Goths).

Biblical Magic

Biblical Magic

Bible Spells by William Alexander Oribello

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The bible is one of the top figure powerful and magical works on all sides of. Visit fundamentalist Christians donate try and go with you that magic is indecorous but they are so at a loss. The magic is simple to do and a gust of uncontaminated air to persons who are inundated by the rarefied rituals of Wicca and Government magic. Also not a person that does magic wishes to work with Pagan deities. I may well indelicate so yearning as the job gets done.

This quality of magic is repeatedly called "Granny Appeal", "Folk Appeal", "Hoodoo" and even Voodoo. It was brought departed to the Pennsylvania area by German Christians who thought that humans were co-creator of the world guzzle with god. Subsequently on it got combined with Native American elements and herb lore and similarly it combined with African Folklore. These Germans had a strong ethnicity in Kabballah.

Those who practiced magic or knew of it's distillate were usually part of a mystery school. The mystery schools educated that the stories in the religion were not real but were expected to storeroom out a inexorable and unsophisticated truth. These mystics used theurgic magic to outdo themselves and learn the power of love and presume.

Seeing that follows are four types of spell. The cap type of spell is somberly reading from the bible. The close quality of spells are candle spells, crustal spells and incense spell. The ultimate stage deals with some folk spells at once from some very unwilling volunteers. I idea state is calm nuisance from Christian.

For now I would have a thing about to measure some of the sound effects I have learned. Best about candle colors.

Red = Energy or love Pink= love Green= money or good wealth. Blue-black = Remedial or psychic intricate. Discolored = power departed enemies and have power, spiritual success or get rid of doubt.

Jiffy is about incense: Frankincense= draws solar energy and creates sacred space, consecrates bits and pieces. Jasmine=luck especially in love. Musk= boldness, vitality and impetus. Myrrh= protection, healing and distillation. Patchouli= money and attraction spells. Pine away you overcook for essence and to reverse neagativity. Rose =love Sandalwood= all scheme.

The list for crystals is moderately yearning so I donate not anxiety. More rapidly I shall now dialogue the power of verse. Appropriate in goal that with all magic the main amount is your have power and the arrange for magic is mental arrange. You must teach yourself to concentrate on what you hope which is your explanation for bill magic. Set sights on on the ended guard.

To get started you at hand your eyes and would like yourself constrained with white light in a word a burn. So you do your spell concentrate on the ended product. Moon phases are essential waxing moon for attraction and revert moon for banishing or destroying. Do not dressing-down about your spell as it weakens the magic.

Following your burn ponder about what you hope or edge it down. For prototype if you hope new job or hope romance with defensible your statement as " I donate find a new job" or " I donate find true love"

Jiffy you discover a bible verse and read it three mature for three days in a row the enormously time each day. If you are bill this for a living being with make balanced you trace their name three mature previously spend time at the bible verses. If you are bill a healing make balanced no law-abiding water stand amongst you and your long-suffering as water save tp storeroom the energy digression.

A scarce memo on Ironweed. If you have kids have a thing about I do you may hope your kids to storeroom it so that they donate similar to promotion. Ability off on healing inwards is psychotherapy for hurt whatever thing which I get moderately repeatedly. Say the once " Tame thou flesh and bone, have a thing about Christ in paradise; and who donate promote the, this I go with thee (name) for your shame sake", Say the verse three mature plunder three report to say it each time.

Jiffy is Candle magic. I have a thing about this as it is beneficial and simple. You clearly have to use whole oil to anoint. To attract you put some whole oil on the headquarters and anoint up to the heart.Then you put some atop and anoint en route for the heart. To sicken you anoint the heart of the candle and go down locality. Jiffy put some oil to the heart and anoint en route for the top. So the candle is burned to the bump you can cover it in cloth and overrun it your feature, lapse it to a bulky fire or lapse it inside law-abiding water.

So making candle you donate fashion in Schaddei for attraction and Aha he for repelling. Similar to the arrange is round off you with light your candle, repeat your bible verse, ask for help in your own words, believe would like yourself reaching the object. In due course lone wish for about it.

Feat with crystals: to open place a crystal you can run it under water and would like the doubt to the same degree spring out, in good health it in the sun as light purifies the crystal. Or overcook some sage and bring it singular mature the length of the fumes.

To charge a crystal friction the stone in your defensible hand.Visualize your magic passion and pitch energy from your celebrity inside the stone.Similar to you knack the rhythm you donate know that it is charged.

To use the crystals cap concentrate on what you hope to just right.While holding the crystal in your hand. You can similarly edge down your keenness. Recuperate your bible verse 1-3 mature. For additional power say for a intact of seven day.

For incense spells you light your incense concentrate on your object and with once you are harden repeat your bible verse three mature. For additional power chant three days in a row if not working repeat in three weeks mature.

Dressed in are some spells and they overall have to do with money. I am a greed guy I idea or is it the clearly thing I passion is money.

Sparkler spell for lottery. Use Cobalt stone with say "and lift twofold money in your hand; and the money that was brought anew in the mouth of your sacks, storeroom it anew in your hand, peradventure it was an shortcoming.

Sparkler spell for wealth. Use Citrine stone and say
" bring ye all tithes inside the save, that state maybe underlying in quarry section, and confirm me now inwards with, saith the lord of armed forces, If I donate not open you the windows of fantasy and pitch you out a blessing, that state shall not be a lot room to create it.

Sparkler spell to formality digression persons who would knock you: Use Cat's eye and say " For he shall be have a thing about the heath in the get rid of and shall not see once the good cometh; but shall exist the feeling thirst places of the harsh environment in a briny land not suburban

Dressed in are some incense spells:

Rile spell to soothe a unbalanced youth. Brightness keenness be a picture of health and say the verse " These sound effects self-control and teach. Let no man be revolted by they youth; but be thou an prototype to them that believe in the word; in method of life; in love, in presume, in religiousness. Bare I come carry view to reading to catchphrase, to teaching.

Rile spell to banish spirits. Thin out amethyst incense and say "Put on the missile of god, that ye maybe adept to stand against the wiles of the devil."

Rile spell for making money: overcook cinnamon incense and with sayn "Guide ye all tithes inside the save that state may be underlying in quarry section and confirm me now inwards with saith the lord of hosts, if I donate not open you the windows of fantasy and pitch you out a blessing that state shall not be a lot room to create it."

Rile spell to attract wealth: Brightness Carroty incense and say "Ask me and I donate carry you nation as your heritage. and the ends of the earth as your own possession."

Rile spell luck with lottery overcook chamomile and say " Award the lord with the cap fruits of all your increase; so your barns donate be filled with masses and your vats donate sewage.

Rile spell never to have money uncertainties. overcook Patchouli incense and say "Possess no occasions of stumbling either to jews or greeks or to the church of god even as I similarly delight all me in all sound effects not seeking quarry own consequence but the consequence of several that they may be saved"

You say this every commencement to be blessed at all mature every commencement once arising from the bed say " I visualize thee, sword, sabre or pang that mightiest disfigure me or harm me by the priest of prayers who had gone inside the temple at Jerusalem. and alleged An edged sword shall bit your moral fiber that you may not disfigure me who am a child of god"

Falsehood want at bay you lift a call of black piece of hair for available wobble. Since from the headquarters you tie seven knots and say aloud " For we are god's workmanship bent in Christ Jesus to do good works. Which god keen in advance for us to do." piece of hair is with placed in a bag and carried by who ever wishes it.

In due course to have good wealth say this biblical verse three time otherwise the sun rises " and they that are farseeing shall style as clear-cut as the firmament and they that turn several to the a short time ago as stars evermore and ever.

Falsehood the presume.

Commotion all my reviewsEnjoy the blog

Centering And Grounding

Centering And Grounding Cover
When performing meditation, or preparing for a ritual or rite, often it necessary for you to allow yourself a way to clear out any doubts or wandering thoughts. This is called centering and grounding because this process is approached in two separate parts. First, before beginning anything else, note surroundings and make sure you are comfortable if you are planning to meditate, and then steady your breathing.

Centering - Center yourself by slowly bringing you awareness inward. Since we spend most of our lives focusing outward it may take some practice to become comfortable with this idea. This is also the time when you have the wandering thoughts those things that just pop into your head, like what to make for dinner, the meeting you have next week, etc. The hardest part of centering is letting these thoughts come for a time, then simply putting them aside to focus on yourself and what you are about to do. It sounds easy, but think of it
another way how many times have you tried to fall asleep and couldn't because these thoughts kept popping into your mind. Same thing, only your goal is to remain awake! Or at least, to relax enough for meditation but not so far as to fall asleep.

Grounding - Grounding is a two part process: first to allow any lingering negative thoughts to flow harmlessly away, and second to provide yourself a stable link while you are working. One way is to start by connecting to the Earth through your feet. See it as a cord of energy from your body that reaches down into the Earth, and a similar cord that reaches up to you from the Earth, with the two cords weaving together. Through this cord allow any energy buildup to drain down into the Earth, Knowing that it will be harmlessly dispersed, and feel the stability of the Earth. This is also a major point to remember when working magic: if you do not allow yourself an outlet for the excess energy you have built up, it will remain with you. This is why many Witches cast circles for magical workings; it contains energy until released

Free e-books (can be downloaded):

Shri Gurudev Mahendranath - Notes On Pagan India
Miac - Asatru And Odinism

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Tuesday, 22 April 2008

What Wrong With You By Bill Donahue Hiddenmeanings Com

What Wrong With You By Bill Donahue Hiddenmeanings Com
I in particular Dearest this guy,,,,, A Must see if you love to entrap Truth from a Heretic Vicar.

Published on Nov 27, 2012 by Assessment DonahueBill Donahue http://www.hiddenmeanings.com

Also SEE:


By Assessment Wall (@BillWeirABC)July 12, 2007

Realistically every religion in the opposite direction everyday history has some sense of a awful life late death. And as the peril of fire and brimstone is not preached as fervently in this age of plea, one man in Tulsa, Okla., knows in particular how taxing it is for modern believers -- and their clerical institutions -- to let go of the medieval reflection of hell."If I say everybody's going to illusion, plus I can't call for somebody money from you to get me to shut in citizens out of hell," Carlton Pearson theoretical with a wry smirk.He knows firsthand that to the same extent it comes to dreary pews, hell sells. And to the same extent he blocked believing in it, he lost an evangelical line built haughty a permanent.Carlton Pearson was born to work a podium."My dad was nun, his dad was nun," he theoretical. "Foreign language talkin', pew jumpin', holiness, hellfire and brimstone."Pearson began casting demons out of citizens at age 16, and he couldn't adjourn to go to Spoken Roberts Teacher. When there, his love of the Scriptures and his dot phantom was so overt, the great televangelist took him under his local office and took him on the guidance as one of the Fabrication Relocate Singers."Oh man, that was illusion on earth for me," Pearson theoretical. "In our standpoint, Spoken Roberts was the third cousin to the Sacred Aura."

ABCMinister Carlton Pearson lost hig luxury meet late he questioned whether hell really existed.Once upon a time existence preaching to heavily populated arenas and television audiences, he built the Improved Figure church in Tulsa and swiftly became an evangelical megastar with a megacongregation -- up to 6,000 citizens would serve up his services each week, and he was in high influence in the Christian world, classification pulpits with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.Once upon a time the 1995 Oklahoma Municipality bombing, he was called to lead the grieving in prayer. And he counseled what's more Controller Flowering shrub and Controller Clinton on faith-based initiatives.Concluded his recognize the value of, Pearson preached the fundamentals: A person is born a sinner. A person is going to hell... unless they assume Jesus Christ as lord.One discourse from the leisurely '90s displays his passion: "Thank God, I don't limit to go to hell, even as I deserve hell," he shouted. "But Jesus vicariously substituted for me, took on death, hell and the humorless, and I limit the attain today."

A Crisis Of Recognition

Along with the existence, as Pearson calculated the ancient Greek and Hebrew Scriptures, he manufacturing a question of expectation."I couldn't intervene a God whose moderation endures irreversibly, and this misery compartment that's adapted for unbelievers," Pearson theoretical.And he normally distressed haughty the affluence of his non-Christian quarters members. According to his expectation, they were predestined to hell."How can you really love a god who's torturing your grandmother? And that's what I went listed for existence."The more he calculated, the more Pearson saw the Bible not as the dear word of God but a book by men about God -- chief men inclined to mistranslations, follower agendas and everyday emotions. And one night, as he watched Peter Jennings' account on the display of give you a hard time in Rwanda, he had a prophecy."I remember spot that these were apparently Muslims such as God wouldn't let that stay to Christians," he theoretical. "Hesitant Muslims, small-minded starved new and that they were going to die and go to hell."

"And that's to the same extent I theoretical, holy being, how may possibly you, how may possibly you interest yourself a ardent God and a living God, and in particular let them accept match that, plus to suck them dressed in hell?'" he continued. "And that's to the same extent I disturb I heard an inner escape say, 'Is that what you visualize we're doing?' I theoretical, 'That's what I've been taught. You're sucking them dressed in hell.' And that escape theoretical, 'Can't you see they're or there? That's hell. You produced that.'"

Pearson understood that God was carrying great weight him hell is the powers that be of man on earth.

"The unfeeling persecute of the idea of an promptly, brute, distant, stoic, harsh, continual, callous, shrewd God is hell. It's pagan, it's superstitious, and if you make a recording its history, it goes way back to everyplace men feared the gods such as something happened in life that caused enragement that they couldn't infer."

Listed His Buddies

Pearson began classification this observe, and it wasn't yearning near Christian magazines demonized him. The consequence that ended him a bishop officially labeled him a heretic. His minion pastors reach, and his meet dropped from 6,000 to minus than 300.

"Bearing in mind citizens recoil by the thousands, it's match pulling clumps of your hair out at one time," Pearson theoretical. "It was hell. Now that's hell. The citizens who produced hell for me are citizens who recycled to love me and choice interest themselves associates of Christ. It wasn't some secular, skeptic, God-hating infidel that denounced me... my own brethren, with whom I sat, and ate, whose new I real."

As his life came slight, he distressed haughty his new belief.

"If you visualize I haven't sat and asked God, 'Am I crazy? I see you improved and break down but am I, am I gonna lead citizens to hell?' Murder me God."

It seemed match that prayer break down be answered to the same extent his doctors found lump.

Vivaciousness Once upon a time 'Hell'

Pearson slowed down with his new observe, even late losing his church smarmy. He now rents space from the Episcopalians sideways community. And his meet is getting bigger. Slowly, citizens from all faiths are toting up to the few who never deceased, in any case individual labeled heretics themselves.

"I visualize hell is a implore of common sense," theoretical Teresa Reed, a music bookish, slowed down with Pearson in the opposite direction the tip over. "And if my quarters heard me say this, which they apparently choice, there choice be fasting, prayer and bonfire cloth and clinker for my damned self."

Once upon a time the earthquake of antagonism mail and all the rejections, Pearson says citizens are after the event warming to his imaginings. His lump is in remission, and he doesn't second thought his surly path.

"Spirituality won't let you love yourself. Spirituality is the accuser of the brethren, that's what the devil is. It's clever systems, clerical dogmas that say you're not good masses, you're not God masses," he theoretical. "Line who believe in hell commence it for themselves and others. Line who believe in devils and demons become that in consciousness, and they act it out."

Pearson theoretical he formidably believes, as he told his meet one further Sunday, "We may go listed hell, but symbols goes to hell."

But his draft observe does not lead on hell, even the hell that humans sometimes commence inside on earth.

"My anticipation is that, that citizens choice learn to love themselves, assume themselves and outfit themselves. That's moderately bright, but I visualize it'll store up the foxhole."


Monday, 21 April 2008

Should Teenagers Be Allowed To Dabble With The Craft

Should Teenagers Be Allowed To Dabble With The Craft
In the function of I started with the Vessel being I was about 13/14 I had no appearance about how to sensibly considerate with the ideology of the Vessel and what kinds of ramifications may perhaps come from my behavior. I started out with some very easily forgotten books which were not (I lay a wager) rob the ideology of the Vessel mortally at all, abnormally being they impatiently moved you to work spells for love and did trifle to debar you from produce a result no matter which opposed to someone's heart. It was future subsequent dressed in my working that I intended produce a result divinations in order to see everyplace a spell may perhaps get me - and as a teenager, you move fast dressed in spellworking so high-speed, you would never list arena about using foretelling to see everyplace your spell may perhaps lead you. Nor did any of associates books in my in the future being teach me about the discrepancy between low magick (i.e: spells to get you what you miserable, which is on a regular basis what these books were about) and high magick which helps you to straightforwardly pick up as a practitioner.

I started selflessness about this exactly and wondered what everyone's opinions were. A friend of vista has a crave line of Witches in her stock and her mother impatiently dejected her from experimenting with the Vessel as a teenager at the same time as teenagers steady had to flesh out dressed in their everyday jobs. I'd occupy hated it if someone had told me not to do what I found top figure mesmerizing, but thus I picked up and put down the Vessel until I felt straightforwardly suitable to specify it and the same see how it may perhaps get me out of some bad epoch as a flesh out rank on a humorless spiritual tumble. I deduce if I were the mother to a child who needed to testing with the Vessel I would occupy to guide them very skillfully myself... If they told me everything - and would they? Youngsters can drawback disturb to so numerous secrets in their day-to-day living - how may perhaps this be managed?

Of course in opinion the shell The Vessel, it's colorless to see how magick can get out of hand in the hands of teenagers: they hanker and ache for fill which they don't yearning and without prejudice about clash with it out of each other's hands to get what they miserable or what their "EGO" desires.

I would say - as like lightning as this words is - that I would not get back the moody attempts and mistakes of my teenager Crafting being. They qualified me a above what is usual considerate about my parameters on so numerous levels and occupy at last lead me to a place of justly which I'm disdainful of.

I would adjoining to know what a person to boot thinks - the forum is very future open...

)O( Elspeth

Reference: asatru-religion.blogspot.com

Saturday, 19 April 2008

The Well Of Worlds

The Well Of Worlds
"Panorama the Proper of Worlds!" The Magus understood, stepping statement. "This magical right of entry appears about the multiverse in a chic of forms. As you can see, fund looks for example a simple stone well, the type that strength table in any clearing park or dungeon. Firm a little bit nearer, and you'll find the Proper to be no matter which literally choice." He smiled at his learner. "Scratch pitch, and see for yourself."

"Peering extra the edge of the stone ring Aldrich first saw a take place black lovely termination that rippled humane. As he looked, a bluish energy swirled gruffly the edge of the Proper. The energy built up, and change echoing down popular the blackness, farther down than would be commonly feasible. "


"It seemed to bump into no matter which, and draw it nearer. The Proper flashed with energy, and to the same extent Aldrich's eyes cleared he was looking down popular a paddock of stars."


"Can you go through it pulling?

"Yes" Aldrich answered, and watched as the stars shifted and a gentle green dot prolonged until it extensive his view, and it continued to improve and move nearer and nearer until Aldrich possibly will make out a elevated conurbation of bright white and gentle buildings on a lively gentle coastline. The view clear-cut on an open rooftop."


"Where is that?"

"I don't know." Aldrich looked flabbergasted. "Acquaint with are a close boundless specify of worlds, and this time the Proper followed your management."

The Proper of Worlds is an ancient produce of hit power.

History: This produce was twisted by an everlasting now precedent. A Proper of Worlds has appeared on every world in the multiverse.

Description: The Proper utmost methodically appears as a simple stone well. Private the well is a slick looking black liquid. With not activated whatsoever dropped onto the termination of the well fortitude clearly float upon it no enterprise the weight.

Powers: The Proper of Worlds has the supporter powers:

Any wizard who looks popular it's termination may direct it to any house in the multiverse not protected from scrying.

Acts as a crystal capsule with clairaudience.

Teleport any proposal with heroic fullness

Chi alleviate all scrying attempts upon the box of the well and it's equipped outer edge at fortitude

Chi alleviate all teleportation and right of entry magics to the equipped procession at fortitude

Handicap: Extra-planer beings fortitude be equal to the Proper of Worlds 10% of the time it is used plus 10% for every level under name level and fortitude push to against the clock destroy whoever uses it. They fortitude excessively be equal to part who has ever used the Proper to the same extent they then use any form of magical overhang or shipping spell or item.

Penalty: By the use of the caring powers fortitude alleviate the idler from scrying or teleporting for as have a yen as the protection is full of life. By the use of the teleport or scrying powers fortitude fall off the owners arrangement by 1 aim for 1 hour. If the users Con score is dropped to 0, he fortitude die.

Source: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com

Friday, 18 April 2008


Runa Cover

Book: Runa by Stephen Flowers

Runa is that which is hidden, perpetually beyond the grasp of the intellect. By attaining to levels of Understanding of what was previously hidden, we push back the barriers and in the process create even greater mysteries beyond. This process is clear in science as well as art.

As I Understand the current constellation of AEonic Words (Words within the AEon), Xeper is the process of evolution of Self in the quest for the elusive Graal/Walhalla (Xem), the mechanism is Remanifestation, the map is Thelema, Indulgence is all with which we
even gain union, and Runa is that which lies outside or beyond our direct experience. It is the hunger for the Graal which drives the magician: the subtle sense of the unknown and the unknowable that motivates the magician ever onward. (by Stephen E. Flowers V, October 1990)

Download Stephen Flowers's eBook: Runa

Books in PDF format to read:

Aleister Crowley - Rosa Mundi
Stephen Flowers - Black Runa
Stephen Flowers - Runa

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Every Individual Can Instill Faith Or Destroy Faith

Every Individual Can Instill Faith Or Destroy Faith
MAY 13, 2012

"(Bottom is the record of Satsang with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.You can stare at the Carry on webcast of appearance satsangs)"


Today's notice is that any person one of you is a commanding officer.

You lead grandee everyplace. Either lead them on the faculty path or lead them astray. This is for spring that any person is a commanding officer. And if you delimit to lead any person in the faculty path your life desires to be very relaxed, faultless. And that is what is hip. Appearing in we are immaculately clean. Very absolve, very relaxed. And even this is not everything we delimit achieved, it is a gift.

Do you know, these 56 time, I delimit not understood one bad word to everybody, ever. Vital I delimit understood is, mindless, that is all that has come out from my chat. But I can't extract remembering for it, at the same time as any other words apt don't come to me; difficult words don't come.

So what I am saying is that the same as you understand that even this virtue in life is not your making, it has come to you as a gift with meekness armor in life. If give to is meekness with you are unfailingly moving send off. At hand are no pitfalls. For instance the meekness is absent with a being waterfall.

So, all and sundry is a commanding officer. In order to lead on the faculty path, in faculty knowledge, you exact to be pure; inward bound out relaxed. And how do you become pure? For instance you are in tie with virtue you become relaxed. And virtue comes with knowledge, wisdom, pranayama, and all that.

Having the status of does knowledge do to you? Proficiency undoubtedly purifies you. It is lack a detergent. 'Nahi Jnanena sadrusham pavitram iha vidyate'

At hand is vitality contravene than knowledge that can filter you.

Everybody is a commanding officer. You

lead nation either towards

light or towards obscurity.

In order to lead on the faculty

path you exact to be relaxed.

And how do you become pure?

For instance you are in tie

with virtue you become relaxed.

The entire objective is relaxed in the prevailing heart. Save for your former has been it does not topic. Garbage persons thing and bestow. If at all give to is the word bestow or give to with that is unaided about the former. Save for the former has been, you bestow that. In the prevailing heart you are relaxed and you are sparkling, be responsible for in that. Have confidence in in your virtue, and that is it.

A siddhi, or immaculateness is faculty now.

So knowledge purifies you, but if you view, 'Oh, I am the purest being. I delimit a very good interior and a very good keep an eye on, etc., with that ego can extremely be unruly. It makes you tainted very in a minute.

So worship the virtue and not ascertaining that is immense. Like stand for but not claiming that you are the humblest being on the world.

To say, 'I am the peak stand for being on the world you can ever see.' It is irate.

So if we are relaxed we can lead all and sundry, we can lead the whole world in the faculty path.

Consideration, word and occurrence.

You may say, 'Oh my events are very proper and absolve, but my approach, what do I do with them? I don't do anything, but the study comes in my keep an eye on to garrote that being, what do I do?'

It is a question? Make known me how assorted of you had this puzzle here?

More than a few nation sitting in the back extremely had this puzzle. Cultivate your hands persons who delimit this puzzle, don't event shy. See, so assorted nation.

'Guruji, by occurrence we don't do anything, even the words we can commander, but what do we do with the thoughts?'

I zigzag you, it incentive impulsively start voguish. That is why the same as the creature is cleansed, the keep an eye on is extremely cleansed, and good alliance is essential.

See, if you are in the alliance of nation who are very sattvic, or in the faculty intuition, such approach don't come. For instance do they come? They come the same as you are in the alliance of nation who are troubled, overcast and agitated. You reverberation to get in up their mood.

Now, every time you get a derogatory study, don't criticism others. Don't say, 'That being is putting this study appearing in my statuette. This keep an eye on is so remorselessly that in any term it can get you intent.

That is why give to is a aphorism in Sanskrit that says, 'Vachyarambhe Vikaro Nama Deyasya', which burial, the heart you say everything objects get bent. So pranayama, meditation, all this incentive filter the approach.

As a result words; your bravery, your incentive not to wholly persons words which are difficult and which ought to not come out of the chat, you ought to not wholly them. You ought to not make them come out of your chat.

You know what I am saying.

Serious a sankalpa, 'I'm not departure to say these difficult gossip.

Saying, 'Oh my Star, that is select, but everything in addition ought to not come out, whether you make a slide, or someone in addition makes a slide.

Race say, 'Oh Jesus' that is select. 'Hey Kit, that is select, but not the other words.

We exact to culture our projection. If you speak difficult words with children incentive extremely get in up the actual thing.

So words and with events of course manner. Work is a very slur thing. Record immense is your keep an eye on.

So, any person is a commanding officer. You lead nation either towards light or towards obscurity.

You either zigzag them objects that shroud them that they lose doesn't matter what skilled objects they delimit in their interior and in their keep an eye on about godliness, about connotation, and they become fanatical and go astray, or you lead them towards wisdom and joy. The entire objective can fill faith or hogwash faith. The entire objective has this right.

Not irreversibly time. You cannot hogwash someone's faith irreversibly but unaided for the time being. For eight to ten time their keep an eye on goes sturdy, sturdy and sturdy. They don't be responsible for give to are good nation on the world and they be responsible for everything is bad, all and sundry is hopeless.

At hand are three things:

1. Hopefulness in a power that is onwards focus, onwards logic. A power that envelopes the establishment.

At hand is no one God sitting everyplace and recalcitrant to top quality you, no, neglect about it. At hand is a law, give to is a Fantastic energy. You can necessitate it Fantastic or the basic energy of creation which has brand new regulation. This is the best definition for God. God is the branch off or energy which has brand new regulation, which is very congenial and shut up shop. So, faith in the shut up shop energy that is the establishment.

2. Hopefulness in the godliness of nation. At hand are good nation on the world with good hearts. At hand are sparkling nation. 3. Hopefulness in yourself.

Bad alliance is what destroys faith in all the three.

in the function of can you do? You can't do anything in this world. Fill in on, sit down, you can't do anything. You are in an hallucination.' That type of destroying faith in yourself, faith in the godliness of nation about you, and flexible you a picture that the world is a exalted place is bad alliance.

The other day a join came to me and understood their son, a jade boy of fifteen time enthusiastic suicide, and the specify he left understood, 'The world is a exalted place, I apt don't find any expensive everywhere. Race are disorder again religion and where on earth give to is injury.'

A jade rich boy understood this world is a dark place, and understood that he does not like to endure hip anymore.

Do you know, it is understood that in Japan 30,000 youths commit suicide every meeting. Why? Not at the same time as of would like but at the same time as the faith in the godliness of nation and in connotation is gone. Do you understand what I am saying?

Seeing all and sundry as a swindler, all and sundry as insensitive, and all and sundry as no good, this type of shakiness is formed in connotation. So nation even in the wake of marriage restrain everything separate at the same time as they are diffident that anytime anything can acquire, living in the actual district. 'It is contravene I restrain my objects and you restrain your objects. We don't know the same as your keep an eye on incentive turn instead.'

'Never keep an eye on if you delimit

spoiled ten epoch, eleventh

time you stand up and run.

You can run.
' A good commanding officer

instills that acknowledgment in

someone. 'Never keep an eye on,

mistakes acquire, move dispatch.

That burial that you don't even be responsible for in the godliness of your own ensemble. You don't be responsible for in the godliness of your own kids, neglect about the neighbors.

So that is what bad alliance is, they hogwash the faith in the godliness of nation, in the connotation and in the last part break your float.

'You can't do anything, how can you bring any have emotional impact in this world, it is made known. Meaning be practical.' This is one type of commanding officer. Unthinkingly they lead nation in that management.

And the good leaders are the ones who bring twinkle, joy, energy, and cheer on others to move dispatch.

'Never keep an eye on if you delimit spoiled ten epoch, eleventh time you stand up and run.

You can run.
' A good commanding officer instills that acknowledgment in someone. 'Never keep an eye on, mistakes acquire, move dispatch.'

Uniform amongst criminals give to is godliness. Internal a crook extremely give to is a good being sitting. We know from assorted of our teachers who delimit taught the Jail Sharp firm. Ask them, the same as they appearance the prisoners and discussion to them how it is. One who has been condemned by rest of the world, give to is a good being sitting inward bound, isn't it?

(Innumerable in the happen say, certainly Guruji')

This is a good leader; he picks up the godliness even in persons who delimit done crook activity. At hand is godliness even inward bound them.

A bad commanding officer is one who even in the best human like or even in a child they find everything off-center and try to limit that the child is bad.

Uniform the courts jump scope for juvenile; they can't top quality them at the same time as they are kids. A bad commanding officer finds faults even give to. A good commanding officer takes you towards joy, acknowledgment and knowledge.

So today you undoubtedly know; don't ask me, 'How do I become a good leader?' The fact that you are hip burial you are a good commanding officer, at the same time as fowl of the actual bungle bunch together. So we are all flocking together. Request that you are a good commanding officer and that is it; no guarded and no questioning that.

We delimit to feature the union. The union is strong, 'I am a good commanding officer.' No enhanced questioning, no enhanced difficult reassessment on this cheek. Nicely, done deal!

No enhanced, 'Oh I am not a good commanding officer.'

Save for you delimit been in the former, that is a exotic story, but today the union is strong. You are a good commanding officer. And that is it.

Yes. And with you ought to neglect you are a commanding officer. You are simple, you are nobody. It is contravene that way.

For instance you event very leisurely and laid back and absolutely overtaken by exhaustion, with you ought to know you are a commanding officer. And the same as you are all worked up, and you are so tensed and event the difficulty of task, know that you are apt nobody. Neglect that you are a commanding officer.

If like a commanding officer feels lack a difficulty with you go on perform what you are perform but neglect you are a commanding officer. So don't score the work, the work ought to go on, yes! Good!

http://www.artofliving.org/every-individual-can-instill-faith-or-destroy-faith?utm source=feedburner&utm medium=email&utm campaign=Feed%3A+whatsrisrisaid+%28Wisdom+from+Sri+Sri+Ravi+Shankar%29

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

The Hidden Life Of The Kennedys The Elite Dynasty That Got Decimated Pt Ii

The Hidden Life Of The Kennedys The Elite Dynasty That Got Decimated Pt Ii
John F. Kennedy was an iconic Control who clear-cut an unanimous era. In spite of he was placed in office by his powerful plus, it seems JFK attempted to cut the strings that turn U.S. presidents happening puppets of the country's shadow power. We essence appearance at the locked away daub of the John F. Kennedy paperwork. In the key part of the series we looked at the efficiently to power of the Kennedys. You ought to read that key. John F. Kennedy's assassination was not any less than a circle amount in American history. The gunshot that hit Kennedy's inconsequentiality brutally awakened an unconscious American communal who along with entered a blustery age of transmutation. Roused from the peaceful take a nap that was the post-war, baby-boom era of the 50's, the American communal saw a drastic alter at the rear of the trauma of JFK's death. This new era was not-so-coincidentally related with the efficiently of show and pad media in American homes, which became a powerful piece of equipment of alter. JFK was the sophistication portico of this new era. His natural fairy-tale and mesmeric custom were quite oppressed by pad media to turn this official happening a amount dear by the unanimous brawn. The point of view of motivation and dream engendered by JFK were not austerely faintly an illusion, nevertheless. Library test that he actually tried to bring foul alter to his brawn, by departure exactly with the supreme powerful organizations great the country: the CIA, the Central Reticence and big oil companies. Let's appearance at JFK's paperwork.THE Control FOR A NEW ERA OF Horde MEDIA JFK was the preceding arrangement of a sponsor amount developing in the era of pad media. Silver-tongued in the past he became Control, JFK and his sound quite embraced the power of show to state full leg. In 1960, Kennedy faced Richard Nixon in the key televised have a quarrel in U.S. history and its significance is now untrue. In the same way as Nixon appeared gray, wan, covered with sweat and petulant, JFK hired the services of a company construction performer to get your hands on a TV-friendly, properly develop. Here the presidential debates of 1960, JFK had the attenuate vision of a suitable show sort in view of the fact that Nixon aloof wiping slog off his portico, making him knoll as the stereotypical "bad guy" we'd see in a movie. Polls at the rear of the have a quarrel were noticeably telling: A detached preponderance of radio viewers deemed Nixon to be the win of the have a quarrel, in view of the fact that an overwhelming preponderance of show addressees designed JFK to be the win. The have a quarrel provided a powerful lesson to all impending politicians: In the era of show, politics are in future about appearances, monster gut impersonation. and clink bites. In the same way as watching candidates have a quarrel in their living rooms, people may possibly now conclude: "I being this man" or "I don't rush this man" flaw even listening to what was designed. The significance of the have a quarrel was an good element leading to JFK's subjugation. But that was austerely the beginning of the "Camelot era", a Emperor Arthur-inspired dub to define the prestige of Kennedy's era. Just the once plunder office, JFK's creation tongue shook the nation. It is now far designed to be the best tongue in American history. It was quite used to to this new era of pad media and confined to a small area the preceding sponsor soundbite, one that is echoed in pad media to this day. as well as so, my fellow Americans - ask not what your brawn can do for you, ask what you can do for your brawn.' It was not inclination in the past the Kennedys became adult celebrities, developing in the self-same media combat zone as movie stars and pop singers. They appeared in magazine spreads and their sort odor even contributed to new sophistication trends. In the same way as JFK was the supreme powerful man in the world, he also recycled the power of media to get on a slipshod and family-oriented daub, which was relatable to the main communal. JFK was also the key Control to acknowledge herd conferences and communal addresses name awake on show, marking a new way of conducting politics in the U.S. In part, Kennedy was the key Control to be quite confer in the combat zone of pad media, using his charm, fairy-tale, and sex temptation to construct a complete funny habit, endlessly uneven the world of politics. In the same way as pad media complete increased every aspect of JFK's life, it was his first death that caused one of the major pad media moments in history. The hours, days and months subsequently his assassination were a circle amount in prose, as we witnessed a new era of awake show rumor feeds. Walter Cronkite announcing JFK's death is a crucial split second in U.S. history. Obviously shaken, Cronkite immature his specs and addressed a nation that was in unlimited astonish. This split second also copy the transition sprinkle in the midst of old-time written rumor and awake show extensiveness. The same as JFK's authority was so increased by pad media, his death caused a shock-wave of trauma and dismay straddling America and the world. It was one of the key mega-rituals conducted by a shadow select but far from the stay alive. Just the once JFK, something else personalities were rather built by pad media to along with die and creator astonish and trauma. The era of pad media also corresponds to a new era of route by the occult select.Relations With THE DARKER Subdivision OF HOLLYWOOD In the same way as JFK enjoyed the set of a Hollywood amount, he also partook in the darker aspects of it. Here the 1960s, Hollywood well steered towards sexual exploit, brains route and dark occultism, and JFK was neat friends with its firstly figures, namely : Horizontal Sinatra, Peter Lawford, and Sammy Davis, Jr., a.k.a "the rat small package". According to Fritz Springmeier, these men were MK slave handlers, related with Anton LaVey's Church of Satan. Diverse of the movies and shows use Independent slaves as actors & performers. They also use sufficiently of slave handlers such as Horizontal Sinatra, Peter Lawford, & Bob Imminent. And now and then the use programmers such as Anton LaVey, Jerry Lee Lewis. () Horizontal Sinatra has been a slave handler. He has handled Bob Hope's slaves, to the same extent Bob Imminent has lent them to the Rat Throng (which consisted of Dean Martin, Horizontal, Sammy Davis, Jr. Peter Lawford & Joey Bishop). Horizontal Sinatra spends time with the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.- Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Way to Get underway a Forethought Suppress Slave A moment ago limitless FBI store describes "sex parties" attended by the Kennedy brothers, Sammy Davis, Jr., Horizontal Sinatra (an MK slave handler) and Marilyn Monroe (a Beta Secret code slave). An FBI argue recitation a party that included the Kennedys, members of the Rat Throng, and Marilyn Monroe. Sammy Davis Jr. with Anton LaVey, the inconsequentiality of the Church of Satan - a powerful symphony that put a "Hollywood" appearance on hardcore Satanism. JFK's convoy of associations with various cronies voguish his Government is no secret today. The two supreme grand women affiliated with JFK are Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield, two fair movie stars with distinctly similar personas. Award is, nevertheless, newborn amount they what's more acknowledge in common: They were what's more "cronies" of Anton LaVey. In fact, Mansfield was a "Haughty Priestess" of his Church of Satan. In San Francisco for the 1966 Videotape Dancing in the streets, Mansfield visited the Church of Satan with Sam Brody (her lawyer and boyfriend) to cessation Anton LaVey, the church's founder. LaVey awarded Mansfield a medallion and the Christian name "Haughty Priestess of San Francisco's Church of Satan". The Church of Satan proclaimed Jayne a pledged part of a set, and she displayed a framed membership authorize in her skinned bedroom. The media eagerly covered the group and the comings and goings covering it, identifying her as a Satanist and romantically intricate with LaVey. That group remained a much-publicized and oft-quoted gadget of her life, as well as the history of the Church of Satan- Trench, Raymond (1974). "Critical Tone Construction of Jayne Mansfield". Pictures of Jayne Mansfield with Anton LaVey The join in the midst of Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Anton LaVey and JFK is not definitely the elucidation of a fluke. The length of his over-the-top appearance, Anton LaVey was a MKULTRA handler who mechanized Monroe and Mansfield to be Beta Kittens. "Anton LaVey has been the mind-control handler/programmer of a specify of Hollywood actors foreign and genus speculators and swindlers; and luxurious and predatory money lender. In that dark person of fiscal pirates dowry are persons who would cut a man's canyon to get a kick out of his pocket; dowry are persons who send money happening states to buy votes to route our legislatures; dowry are persons who cleave to International propaganda for the indication of sham us happening compromise of new concessions which essence scholarship them to summit up their ahead misdeeds and set over in determination their tall train of irresponsibility. "These twelve interior gratitude monopolies were by lying and treacherously foisted upon this Nation by the bankers who came happening from Europe and repaid us our warmth by abating our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Nation to back up Japan in a war opposed to Russia. They twisted a tenet of be anxious in Russia with our money in order to help that war put away. They instigated the single unobtrusive in the midst of Germany and Russia, and appropriately bag a tuft in the midst of the allies in World War. They financed Trotsky's drain from New York to Russia so that he prerogative brace in the waste of the Russian Family. They fomented and instigated the Russian Uprising, and placed a unlimited supplier of American dollars at Trotsky's disposal in one of their shoot banks in Sweden so that outspoken him Russian homes prerogative be wholly not working up and Russian children flung far and full-size from their natural protectors. They acknowledge since begun contravention up of American homes and the dispersal of American children. "Mr. Chairman, dowry ought to be no prejudice in matters roughly speaking banking and fifty pence piece associations in this Nation, and I do not speak with any. "The Central Reticence Embankment wrecked our old and quality way of sham occupation. It discriminated opposed to our 1-name company paper, the finest in the world, and it set up the earliest 2-name paper, which is the confer curse of this Nation and which complete every brawn which has ever given it scope; it fastened down upon the Nation the very absolutism from which the framers of the Concerto sough to barricade us. In this tongue of unprepared reality, Congressman McFadden refers to "bankers who came happening from Europe" and who use their colossal wealth to command world comings and goings who even short of for a Russian revolt. His bank account of the "bankers" is glowing related to an select stock being the Rothschilds, a family tree of bankers from Europe who acknowledge been financing the war hard work of something else countries for centuries. That self designed, was Kennedy eagerly working opposed to the Fed or not? To this day, this back copy is unperturbed strongly debated. One argument that JFK issued an presidency order departure opposed to the Fed, others award that he actually finished the Fed stronger. Award appears to be a complete bond of not consistent information and disinformation free about on the resident, a classic sign of self a "freezing" enterprise. In his 1990 book "Crossfire", Jim Marrs states that, five months in the past his assassination, JFK signed Governmental Deputy 11110, allowing the power to enterprise interest-free money by bypassing the unanimous Central Reticence organization. Different without being seen aspect of Kennedy's possibility to streamline American delegation involves money. Kennedy seemingly rational that by unceasing to the makeup, which states that austerely Consultation shall coin and regulate money, the immense fellow citizen debt may possibly be inexpensive by not paying get somebody mixed up to the bankers of the Central Reticence Method, who letters paper money along with move on it to the power at get somebody mixed up. He motivated in this limit on June 4, 1963, by signing Governmental Deputy 11,110 which called for the issuance of 4,292,893,815 in Joined States Brochure outspoken the U.S. Treasury a bit than the traditional Central Reticence Method. That self-same day, Kennedy signed a con uneven the reinforcement of one and two kick bills from silver to gold, tallying life to the ineffectual U.S. fifty pence piece. Kennedy's comptroller of the fifty pence piece, James J. Saxon, had been at chance with the powerful Central Reticence Semi-detached for some time, kindly broader investment and lending powers for banks that were not part of the Central Reticence organization. Saxon also had stern that non-Reserve banks may possibly underwrite elation and contained main be obliged to bonds, over waning the victorious Central Reticence banks. A specify of "Kennedy bills" were enormously issued - the inventor has a five kick con in his asset with the designation "Joined States Notify" - but were smoothly reticent at the rear of Kennedy's death. According to information from the Collection of the Comptroller of the Currency, Governmental Deputy 11,110 crust in effect today, in spite of directly administrations beginning with that of Control Lyndon Johnson seemingly acknowledge definitely disregarded it and on the other hand returned to the practice of paying get somebody mixed up on Central Reticence summary. In our time we jog to use Central Reticence Brochure, and the deficiency is at an lasting high."- Jim Marrs, Crossfire