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Sunday, 25 April 2010

Luna Auwe Posted A Discussion

Luna Auwe Posted A Discussion


Good Day everyone!So I bet you expected a discussion on Winter solstice." Well" This is quite the opposite, I am the cofounder of the BPA in my area, it is a Pagan community that meets at the public library once a month. No linching,s as of yet LOL! As we are in the heart of the bible belt. We take turns heading a class on different Pagan subjects. On December the 17th I happen to be the one heading a class on the Winter Solstice. We have had Winter Solstice classes before, And I hold an all woman's Winter Solstice gathering at my home every year. The Winter Solstice classes we have had before are the typical, Reasons and History and how to,s.and so on and so forth. I would like to take this class up a notch. I would like the help of whoever wishes to post and share with me and others, how you celebrate the Winter Solstice. What it is that you set out on your alter during the solstice. What Gods and Goddesses you ask to come be with you in this time of spiraling down. Story's of personal experiences with a Winter Solstice ritual. Any Spells you would wish to share. And recipes as there are several in the group that are great cooks and are always looking for new ways to make the kitchen smell good and feed hungry tummy,s. Any thing that may come to mind that pertains to Winter Solstice in your opinion would be just wonderful! Here,s to you having a wonderful Thanksgiving how ever it is that you spend the day may it be blessed! PEACE :)See More