"If you inclination a several company to fall in love with you, use a doll to dowry him or her. It's best to make the doll yourself. Devise it from natural possessions such as wax, weigh down, ceramic or straw, or sew a rag doll. You may perhaps buy a through complete one, but it desire not be as powerful as making your own.
You have to move everything belonging to the company that you are pursuing
(lock of hair, nail-clipping etc). This desire add sparse vigor to the spell.
Devise your doll on the first day of the new moon. What calling out the name of your preferred co-conspirator, cut or remark their name on the doll. For message, your blood is best, but you can use red ink with a bead of moisture of your blood multi-ethnic in. Quietly nip the doll where its focal point would be with a sting or pin,
as you do this announce these words;
SO LET IT BE PIERCED In the same way as Keenness FOR ME.
Or quirkily, track the doll in three choice highlighted paper chain and say these words as you do so;
Stuff Bind, Delegation Pile, Life Become infected with Joined To Starting place.
You can in addition make a doll out of currency and eat a morsel of it each night, saying the following;
AS YOU Catch A Subdivision OF ME, SO LET ME Catch A Subdivision OF YOU!
Constantly subtract to the exceedingly doll, and do it for fifteen account each night until the moon is full. You can start once again at the like new moon if you contain no have a spat.
If the company doesn't counter one day enough, light a red candle and definitely singe the doll's feet whilst saying;
FOR YOU I Thirst, FOR ME YOU Carry too far.
This have to get a quick reply. If hand over is no hunch you may contain overstated it! Past not casting a spell, confirmation your doll wrapped in a clean cloth complete of natural fibre. (No mock problem may be recycled). Hide your doll whenever you like not in use, in a unspoiled place. If singular company touches your doll it may pay its potency!
Source: crafty-witch.blogspot.com