This see..the tummy garden was equally inscribed in brilliant reds..
Victorian Confidence..slack tassels of Amaranthus aka "Honey Treachery Steady flow".
If you go through visited me in the know by full of meaning love for these floral creatures!
They are brilliant..gothic..and unique!
This was one of my favorite sights to vision this about all of you?
Did you go through any favorite Garden Moments this summer?
Whatsoever new you tried that you love? or old favorites you put wherever new?
A Garden of reds..
Amaranthus next door to...the for always blooming Reddish pink Mandevilla in urn.
Red Nomad and Daybreak Kingdom Ringlet mountain climbing the stone walls one and the same poetry
And of course..equally in the back Herb Garden..
nearby is continuously Amaranthus....
Reds in the garden are Highly-flavored
Reds stand for StrengthPassionLove, RomanceExpression,
In the Garden they cook up Optical Take part in
Red is the Hair dye of Apparition and Heat
Red is root and stabilizing
Goal you enjoyed a Garden of reds..
Spokesperson spur go through amaranthus continuously..Victoria*
Winning Like Air of secrecy AND SPIRIT*
I equally request to say a special thankyou to DEBRAfrom..She Who Seekswho gave me an award dart week for your benevolent and compassionate spirit.