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Saturday 16 October 2010

A Ritual For Februalia

A Ritual For Februalia Cover
Februalia, Februa, and also Februatio, was the Roman festival of ritual purification, later incorporated into Lupercalia. The festival, which is basically one of Spring washing or cleaning (associated also with the raininess of this time of year) is old, and possibly of Sabine origin. According to Ovid, Februare as a Latin word which refers to means of purification (particularly with washing or water) derives from an earlier Etruscan word referring to purging.

The Roman month Februarius ("of Februa," whence the English February) is named for the Februa/Februatio festival, which occurred on the 15th day of the Roman month. A later Roman god Februus personified both the month and also purification, and is named for them. Thus, the month is named for the festival and not for the god.


*": "*": "*": Spread with a clean white cloth and place thereupon four white candles and a bowl of water, very simply.
*": Clean something externally, and at the same time clean something internally.
*" MEAL: Fasting for the day. Drink plenty of water.

FEBRUATA INVOCATION" winter has lain heavily upon us" Februata, Queen of the new light" we are sunk in layers of thought Like a hibernating mole Beneath layers of earth" us forth into the light, Lady" us remove all filth From our bodies and our souls" them a place of clarity.

Chant" Februus Lucina "(There is no further ritual; all silently take cleaning tools and being to thoroughly clean the entire building, ending with a ritual bath. As each cleans, they should meditate on what part of the mind or spirit needs cleansing, and let the physical cleansing aid in the spiritual aspect.)

Sources: Wikipedia and Pagan Book of Hours

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